I tried 😅
Some days, the babies are just TOO SCREAMY for anyone around them to think. We’ve tried to reinstate the occasional Friday night movie as a family, and tonight, the babies just wouldn’t hack it. But its too early to put them down. So as a group, we decided to give them a half hour or so, then put them to bed, and then finish the movie. It’s nice to be able to keep the others a bit longer these days. The kids can all handle it better than they used to. One of the perks of aging, I suppose.
So the babies are in high chairs, having some crackers. Solly is overseeing their snack. Laela is practicing piano. Brady is prepping coffee for our standing Saturday morning coffee date. The rest of the group is spread out through the living room, reading.
Once the babes are down, we plan to eat a little popcorn and chocolate, and I am going to crochet the rest of the movie away. I think I have to shift my entire pattern plan, so I’m running through the details piece by piece. Its time consuming, but important. The artist part of me hasn’t gone anywhere. It is just less productive than it once was. It takes more breaks.
However, naturally, as soon as I said there are only two projects I have to focus on next, I remembered I have two more to add to that docket. So actually, four. One will be fast. One will be fast once I figure it out. One will be SLOW. And one will be slowER! And ideally, they’d all the done this spring. The ONE that could wait is the one I am the most eager to get into 😅 Isn’t that how is always happens??
Anyway. I have a lot of feelings these days and they come out pretty jumbled. I’m really happy its the weekend. What does your weekend hold?