Cher here
This was our fifth and final Science Saturday with the kids. This time we conducted an experiment that would take longer than 24 hours. It ended up being more exciting that way, especially because they started it Friday evening after bedtime. The experiment we did was dissolving the shell off raw eggs.

First, we chose a brown egg and a white egg so we could see if there would be any difference in colour of the skin or progress. Dekker and Laela both wrote their names in black permanent marker on their eggs.

Then, we filled two small glass cups with pure white vinegar and told the kids to carefully drop them in and place the cups on the counter where they would stay for the next day to day and a half.

Saturday morning the kids checked on their eggs and noticed that their names had completely been dissolved. Dekker’s egg was the brown one so it was easier to see the junk that was coming off the shell because it was floating on top.

After lunch we checked on them again and saw that they were really starting to lose their shell. There was a lot of skin exposed and you could even scrape the shell layer off with your fingers or a cloth. Hailey and I took both of the kids eggs and washed them off a little before they put them back into the vinegar.

This morning we checked on them again and everything was mostly off, but it was taking a while so we replaced the vinegar with fresh vinegar and let them sit until after lunch.

This time everything was mostly off. The kids played with the bouncy layer and noticed how the egg had expanded from absorbing some of the vinegar.

We told the kids they could throw their eggs on the street to watch them burst. You could probably guess that they were all for that.

Well that is a wrap on our five week Science Saturday extravaganza! It was so much fun to watch the kids observe and ask questions. I loved doing this with Hailey and Brady for the kids. Sometimes I think it was more fun for us than it was for them. Maybe we will do this again in the fall!
For Cher…….
I really appreciated the photos with the smiley face in the background. So appropriate. 😁
Also the “splat pictures “. So artistic.
It’s always good to hear from you on Hailey’s blog.