Saturday Goals

Hokay, folks! There are VERY FEW weekends left before the Christmas break! While these days tend to wipe me out a little extra, I do truly enjoy them, and I also really love that rewarding, accomplished feeling at the end of the day.

So! The list!

Decide supper and prep it, if necessary.

Ribbon on cards.

Deliver cards/dishes/gifts.

Bathe kids.

Wrap some gifts (?)


Complete last crochet project.

Tidy desk.

Tidy island.

Tidy counter beside stove.

Catch up on messages. (If you’re expecting a message/response from me and you haven’t gotten it, its coming!! I’m just behind!)

Make notes for upcoming posts (MM, NYE recap, resolution check-in)

Put Christmas plans on calendar.

I know my posts in the last couple of days have been a bit similar, merely stating what needs doing. But these are the main things going on in life over here!! Root for us as we try to accomplish everything that needs doing while maintaining a happy family, a somewhat relaxing day, whatever that is! 😂

Whats on your list??