A while back now, I posted the story of how we chose Dekker’s name and Laela’s name. I haven’t continued with the rest of the kids names because frankly, they don’t have as exciting of stories behind them. Buuuuut I’ve had the story of choosing Wavy’s name written for a while now, and I don’t want to just completely skip over the little boys and tell her story rather. So, here’s the story of how we chose Rowan’s name!
When we conceived Rowan, we were still living in Radisson. We spent much of that pregnancy getting our house in good shape, painting and purging and everything in between. It was a super busy time of our life! Oftentimes, I have a specific time in my memory of where we were or what we were doing when we decided on the baby’s name, but really, we were just home for this one.
Rowan was our only boys name at the time. My ideal was Ren, but I let that one go for one main reason, take it or leave it. No burn on anyone else’s name, but I feel like we can’t have a one syllable first name with our one syllable last name. Of course, a name thats shortened, or a nickname, thats fine! NO BURN on anyone with one syllable names! I personally love one syllable names, and feel kind of sad that I won’t be able to use them for my kids. It just doesn’t sound right in my head. Too abrupt. So, sadly, I gave up my “Ren” and lovingly accepted “Rowan” in its place.
Toby is Rowan’s middle name. That was the name that took work to pin down. We WORKED to find a middle name that fit with “Rowan.” If you’ve ever talked baby names with us, you know how we pour over names, hundreds of names, and veto and veto and veto. There was a long time there where we figured we’d name our third baby Rowan Patrick. It sounds nice together, right? However, “Patrick” was popping up more and more, and I didn’t want to just choose something trendy in the moment. But we kept it as our first place middle name and waited for something better to come along. And it did 🙂 Toby was my grandpa’s name. Tobias, actually, but everyone called him Toby. We’ve never specifically named our children after anyone, but it was a nice little nod towards a great man!! Rowan Toby sounded perfect!!
And it fit perfectly 😍

We figured we’d call him Roro. But if you’re around our life now, you know we almost always call him Ro. Just Ro. Though sometimes I wonder/wish we had gone with Row?? Thoughts, anyone?