So we quickly abandoned our plans and switched them out for a day of laundry, yummy food, and movies. The kids were all fairly hands on in the day, and while I really hate to complain, I’m pretty sure I was at the height of my discomfort. Lots of places on me are achy and sore all at once. That combined with cranky kids and little sleep made for a challenging morning.
But then the kids all went down for a nap, and Brady and I lay in bed with lunch and an episode of Greys Anatomy, and for whatever reason, we were rejuvenated. I cautiously suggested we go to the city in the evening, and Brady seemed to perk right up, saying if I felt up to it, so did he. So we started to get ourselves ready, and packed the diaper bag for THREE for the first time 😀 Dekker and Laela were both excited to get dressed to go to the city, and were also both quite entertained watching me try to get Rowan’s scrunched little self into clothing. The photo doesn’t show it, but everyone was excited to pack into the van together.
We drove to the city and decided to hit up supper first. Just Wendys, but the kids LOVE Wendys. They both ate lots and thanks to a promo, we even got two free frosties, so the kids got to enjoy some ice cream as well. I’m so proud of Dekker when it comes to dessert. He loves a dessert, but when he had enough ice cream, he pushed it further onto the table and announced that he was “done for his ice cream.” I love knowing that he won’t just gorge himself sick over something. He knows when he’s done. Also a big win for Wendys – they had really fun toys in the kids meals today! 😀 😡
We had plans to go wander through Walmart afterwards. Before the frostie promo, I had thought we’d go to the McDonalds in Walmart for milkshakes, and then go through the rest of the store. We have long list of cleaning and household supplies that we need over the coming while to get the house deep cleaned, plus groceries, and some clothes for Rowan. Believe it or not, because of our previous massive children, none of the hand me downs really fit him that well. Everything starts at three months, and most of everything is stretched to the max thanks to his tank brother. I definitely won’t go too crazy buying a bunch of newborn stuff, but I’d love to have a few cute things that fit him nicely. However, the Walmart plan fell apart when we remembered that we had someone coming to our house for an appointment at 8:30, which meant that in order to have the kids down before he arrived, we’d have to leave Walmart by 7:30 at the absolute latest, and even then we’d probably still cut it too close.
So instead of venturing to Walmart with the fam, we hit up the nearby Target location and I just ran in on my own. I have to say that while this option was less fun, all the household supplies were around 25% off, which was a bonus! I overbought on most things, bought brands, and got a couple of extras, plus a curtain rod for the kids room, and paid just over $50. Win! Brady took the kids in the van across the parking lots and got us some coffees for in the tub later. As soon as we were done, though, we sped home to put the kids down.
The guy came over right on time, just as the kids were getting their final kisses. He was gone within ten minutes and now we’re just feeding Rowan and getting ready to run a tub and settle in.
Tomorrow we’ll finish up the laundry and have my parents over for supper. My dad’s been on the road all week and has yet to meet his new grandson, so hopefully he falls in love as fast as we did! How do you not?!
** I just realized that there isn’t a picture of Roro on this post!! Behold, how he looks right now, as I see him.
All babies look like old men, right?