Amidst ALL of the crazy over at our home, Rowan’s birthday is today!!! Even if you exclude what we are currently dealing with – Brady being on an extended hospital stay – the year has still been HUGE!

We did the covid thing! We built a camper! He rode a bike! He started kindergarten! He lost teeth!
He even… *gasp*


Yes, friends, it FINALLY happened!! He was ready 🙂 This morning, be brought me the brush to ask for help with his hair for school, and the second before he handed it to me, he laughed maniacally, realizing those days were kind of over for now! No more braids for you, mister!

This child is a picture of overcoming hard things. He has struggles, and the way our lives have rolled in the recent past have not made things easier, but his effort has not ceased. His heart is HUGE and warm and just SO BEAUTIFUL. You’d have to see it to believe it, but you can trust me.

I love you dearly, beautiful Rowan. I believe you were meant to be mine and I was meant to be your mom, despite our challenges together! I am SO excited for the year to come, and for the strides we’ll make! You are exceptional! I hope you can feel how loved you are by so many!
Happy Birthday, Rowan! Hope it was a great day! You are an amazing wonderful guy! Love you so much! 😘💖🎉🎂💞
From Grama and Grampa!
Which day did he cut his hair?? He looks so different, just with one big snip! You’re a super duper kid, Rowan! We love you all from afar!
He got a haircut on Friday 🙂 I just figured I’d keep it under wraps until his birthday, just for fun.