Rowan Turns Nine

Today is a big day for a handful of reasons, but the biggest more IMPORTANT one is ROWAN’S BIRTHDAY!!! He is officially NINE today!! πŸ₯³ πŸ₯³ πŸ₯³ πŸ₯³ πŸ₯³ πŸ₯³ πŸ₯³ πŸ₯³ πŸ₯³

Its been a HUGE year for Rowan. He got his contact almost a year ago, and has been patching for an entire year!! He may have his struggles, as we all do, but this boy has endured some HARD things, and he is working SO hard πŸ’ͺ I am consistently impressed with him.

In the past year, he has connected better with his younger siblings, reading to them, playing with them, and being close to them.

He’s become more of a big kid, where he helps out and tries to guide the younger ones πŸ’œ

Rowan is an amazing reader, athlete, puzzler, artist, and snuggler πŸ’œ

Today, we celebrate Rowan, exactly as he is, exactly where he is. We thank God for giving us Rowan nine entire years ago!! His was the BEST birth experience, and after a very scary birth before his, he brought so much peace and softness into our family πŸ’œ His heart remains the same, and I LOVE that heart.

I absolutely treasure you, Rowan Toby. Your heart is SO beautiful, and I carry it in my heart πŸ’œ I cannot wait to see how you grow this next year and who you become. I love you, sweetie pie! I hope you feel loved and celebrated and like a total rockstar today! 😎