Kid number three, Mr. Rowan Toby, turns FOUR today!!!!
Four years feels not so long ago at all…

Rowan was the perfect third delivery, and the perfect third child. If you want to re-read his birth story, its here for your viewing pleasure 🙂 He brought so much healing and peace. He is SUCH a delight to my heart, and to our family.
One year ago, Rowan was a vibrant, silly little dude. He still felt like a little boy. Almost even a toddler still. But in such a good way! He was SO innocent and soft.

He’s still all of those things, but he’s so much more grown up. This year has changed him! As you can see in these pictures, he’s still very much himself, but his heart has grown and changed.

He’s still abounding with joy and excitement! But he’s matured in a lot of sweet, amazing ways. Rowan accepted Jesus into his heart a few months back, which made my mama heart soar! I’m so happy he’s chosen Jesus for his life. It seemed so simple for him. I remember him saying “Oh! Is Jesus not already in my heart! I want him to be. I live for Jesus.” He understands so much. He’s thrilled to finally be old enough to go to childrens church with Dekker and Laela!
Rowan has been our snuggliest child to date. I remember, when I was very pregnant with Solly, Ro got much more snuggly. We figured it was an instinctual thing, with the new baby coming, but it never stopped. To this day, if I’m outwardly flabbergasted or if I cry, he’ll come to me and say something along the lines of “Did you want to have a snuggle with me?” and he’ll drape himself over me until I can breathe a little easier. He has mad cuddling skills, and comforting skills.
Going from three to four feels like a big jump. He’s officially crossed into the land of bigger kids, haha! He’s more confident and self aware, and his comprehension is great, too! It feels important to note here, also, that this was the year we figured out his lactose intolerance. Thankfully, he’s a champ about it, has learned what has dairy in it and what doesn’t, and reminds us every time he needs to take a lactose pill. Thank goodness those things exist!
Rowan loves his stuffed Foxy, listening to stories, and singing along to music in the van. He doesn’t like being dressed, sweets, or when his duplo falls apart. He also doesn’t really like new things, hence our plans for his birthday.
We spent the morning having a BIG waffle feed, with strawberries and peaches and whipped cream and the like. Though Ro opted out of the whipped cream for a tiny bit of syrup, and fruit on the side. He opened some presents and painted pictures with the paints my mom brought everyone to play with. She has a great set up, and the kids love painting with her! After a while, we fed the kids a quick little snack and put the nappers down for naps. After naps, we’ll be heading to the city to go shop for a gift for Rowan. Yes, he will be part of the choosing of his present, and he is STOKED! He just tends to be hesitant of new things, and this way, he can pick! After that, we’re going to go find him a “birthday cake,” or dessert of some kind. Also his choice, because as you read above, Rowan doesn’t really like sweets. We’ve tried something new every year and can’t figure out a good treat for him that he truly likes. Maybe if he chooses it, he’ll be happy! Unconventional, perhaps, but it works for us! And most importantly, it works for Rowan.

When we prayed for our third child, Rowan was exactly the right child for our family! You reminded me of God’s grace, and His mercies, which I so desperately needed.

I love you to the ends of the earth, my boy. You are such an amazing ingredient in our strange family cocktail. We wouldn’t be us without you! You bring a special zest and silliness, as well as a warm sense of understanding. You are lovely, my boy. Your hugs are soft, and your hair is soft, and your heart is soft.
I’m so smitten with you, Ro. Congratulations on turning FOUR!!!
Beautifully written,Hailey!!
You do have a wonderful , unique, loving, Rowan!!
Happy Birthday Rowan, we love you so much!!
Grampa and Grama Born
Thank you 🙂 I’ll pass your message on to Ro.