Rowan Turns Five

How is that this little baby is suddenly FIVE years old!! 😧😭🥰 

Mr. Rowan Toby has had a BIG year! Being four was a year of hard work for him, and by default, us, but he continues to learn and grow and mature into a big kid! 

Its seemed for a while that Ro has been stuck in the middle between the big kids and the little kids. He is our middlest kid, and I can tell he’s struggled to find where he fits. But he never gives up, and is usually very happy to include his siblings in the games he plays. 

Rowan loves drawing, colouring, cutting, stickers, etc. Crafts, I guess. He loves preschool. He loves going to church and Sunday school. He loves soft things, most importantly, his stuffed foxy. He loves music, and wants to learn the drums.

Ro is basically the same size as Laela. He is our BEST eater. His hair is down by his bum, and while he asked for a haircut recently, he has since taken it back and wants to leave it long. He willingly lets me throw it in a braid or ponytail really any time I deem it a good idea, such as going out in a jacket, eating a messy meal, etc. He has a big beautiful smile, and all of his teeth, still. He is confidently left handed. He is less “intolerant” of lactose these days, and more so just a bit sensitive. Now that potty training is long taken care of, we worry less about little bits of dairy here and there. He can take care of that stuff easily. 

Speaking of Rowan’s abilities, just for fun records sake, I’m going to make note here that he is pretty self sufficient, which I love! He can easily get all of his winter gear on, and has just started to learn how to zip zippers! He can complete lots of tasks around the house and is an excellent helper when given a job. He likes to be responsible. He also knows most of the alphabet, and counts very easily. I can’t say perfectly, but pretty darn close. He loves to ask how to spell things, and write words. Sometimes he needs refreshers on how certain letters are formed, but he really enjoys practicing, it seems. 

I am SO proud of Rowan. He has been my first experience with a “strong willed” child, and it hasn’t always been smooth navigating those waters, but there is no one else I’d rather put that effort into than Rowan ❤️ We have a loving, smushy, snuggly relationship, with nothing but love. 

Rowan, my dear, I cannot believe you are FIVE! I wouldn’t trade our five years together for anything, and I’m excited for all the years to come, as many as I can get! What will this next year bring for you, Ro??

I love you, Rowan Toby! Happy birthday!


Happy Birthday, Rowan!
Grampa and I are so very proud of you! You are so much fun and such a helping, loving guy! You are 5, wow! So great…. so excited for you! Hope we can see you soon! Love you Rowan! 😄🎉💕😀
Grama and Grampa Born