Not so long ago, Rowan didn’t care to color or draw or anything like that. No way. He’d sit at the island and watch the others, and at the most, he’d scribble or draw a couple of lines and call his masterpiece complete. Its changed recently into crude drawings of “vehicles” that are basically just squares. But just the other day, he discovered our book that shows step-by-step instructions of how to draw animals. And wouldn’t you know – he’s pretty great at it!! This was his first animal.

Pretty awesome, hey?? He was SO pleased, as was I. Its escalated from there, and sometimes I don’t actually know what he’s drawn, but he’s always super proud. And really, I can usually figure it out. Its mountains above where he started! But we al start somewhere, I suppose.

He’s getting braver to try new things, and its almost always geared towards the crafty side of things.

Maybe its a pro of him being left handed 😉 I hear those kids tend to be extra creative. Now that he’s started, he is such a natural!!
Great job, Rowan!! Keep practicing! Its paying off!