Sometimes I feel like Rowan gets lost in the shuffle of life. He’s our middlest kid, and I think sometimes he feels that harder than I realize. He is SO close with Laela, but she is one of the “big” kids. Ro and Solly are very close in age, but Solly is one of the “little” kids. I think sometimes Rowan has trouble figuring out where he fits, and I don’t blame him.
One thing, however, that stands out big time about Rowan is his understanding of prayer. He has the tightest grasp on the fact that he can talk to Jesus about anything. Our kids always happily pray, its not some forced thing, but the kids prayers are very often standard “thank you for this food” kind of prayers. And those are good! I truly believe God hears those prayers! But my Rowan will thank God for all kinds of aspects of his day, share how he’s feeling, and never seems to be in a rush to end his prayer. Its SO cute, and I think he just gets it in a different way than other kids!
This morning, he asked to pray for breakfast. He thanked Jesus for the day, and for the food. He prayed that the kids would have a good day at school. And then he prayed that God would take the lactose intolerance away. He said “I want to have a better vibe in my body, but maybe I can’t.” And that was it! Amen, and we ate breakfast.
And I just LOVED that. Because Rowan’s lactose intolerance isn’t too big of a deal in our life. It doesn’t bother him much. He’s happy with his almond milk, he has no problem taking his lacteeze when he’s going to eat dairy, and he doesn’t have accidents when we occasionally forget his lacteeze. He rolls with it all pretty smoothly. But he still figured it was worth mentioning to God. And I think thats AWESOME. And I think God LISTENS.
I predict Rowan is going to be a force to be reckoned with in terms of his faith, and I think it’ll be sooner than later. Be on the lookout for that kid!
Wow, that is precious!! So amazing that Rowan understands prayer so well and believes in it!!😍