Rowan and Dr. Mike

I haven’t updated on Rowan much these days. He is finally taking his medicine willingly, which is a really nice change of pace. He’s never fought it too terribly hard, but having three hands would be an asset. I no longer have to ask Dekker for help, though he was always so willing to hold one of Rowan’s hands for me, and to his credit, he never let go. But now, Rowan associates his medicine with wellness, and its wonderful to see!

Unfortunately, it seems that while he’s found some relief, its not quiiite enough, and he’s struggling again. He is waking up a bit more in the night and really fighting his bottle in the day. Its always harder accepting that after we’ve seen such improvement, but knowing its medical rather than just defiance helps a lot.

So today, I took him in to see Dr. Mike again. We’re waiting to see Dr. Guselle again next week to see if we can up his dosage, but until then, we figured a bit of chiropractic help would be beneficial.

I’ve said it time and time again, but Dr. Mike is exceptional. He took Rowan from me and walked him around the room a little bit, showing him stuff, and getting him comfortable in new arms. He gave him something to play with and then began treating him. He sort of gets down on one knee and props Rowan up on the other knee, and feels along his spine. Its sort of like a little massage. The best part is that it tickles Rowan. While Dr. Mike was “tickling” Rowan, Ro would belly laugh and lean back, very intentionally, and turn his head to try and find someone to snuggle with. Dr. Mike happily obliged his request, and nuzzled him through his treatment. When it was all over, Ro clapped for Dr. Mike. It was pretty sweet, honestly. Dr Mike agreed that Rowan needed the adjustment. He said he wasn’t too far gone, and that he straightened up very easily, so thats a plus. He gave us some tips, but they basically all centre around being diligent with what we’re already doing. Keeping his meds up, holding him correctly, encouraging him to roll both ways, encouraging more and more solid foods (to strengthen tummy muscles and push down reflux) and just basic things like that. It was a really good treatment, though. I felt confident when we left, knowing it was good to have brought him and that help was certainly on its way.

We ran a few more errands, grabbed supper, and came home right at bedtime. The kids are still pretty riled up but we’re feeling good. Brady and I both had really good days, the kids are happy, and we have absolutely nowhere to be tomorrow!!! I think we’ll do laundry and virtually nothing else. Perrrfect.