People have very specific but seemingly very different views on new years resolutions. Some people make strict guidelines of many things they hope to do everyday. Some people “theme” their year. And everyone has an opinion about which is right, wrong, or dumb. And some people don’t make any, because if you have a goal, why wait until the new year? I see merit in pretty much all of the sides of the coin. If your goal is to keep a cleaner house, for instance, and you feel this way in November, why wait?! I get that. BUT I do tend to evaluate my year as a whole in January, and try to see where I could improve. So I’m more of a theme person, I suppose. I’ve been pondering the last few days/weeks how my 2014 has been, and how I can make 2015 even better. I was feeling annoyed that I couldn’t seem to verbalize what I wanted, but over the last week or so, I think I’ve come to a few different conclusions.
I’m pretty sure I’ve gotten lazy. While my kids love their routine of our quiet days (and I really do too!) I’ve had an unbeatable cabin fever for the last year and a half, and I think thats something that is well within my control. Yes, errand days are a bigger challenge with two (soon to be three) kids, and they are made much easier when I have company along, but that doesn’t mean I can’t push myself and go anyway. I’ll accomplish less, likely, but who cares! I think to help with my laziness, I need to plan outings a bit more often, whether it be playdates, shopping trips, or blowing bubbles by the river in the spring. It can also be combatted at home, with playing outside, baking, and maybe even coming up with some regular chores that we do. I’m not going to put a timeframe on it, or even a “once a week” label. I think its just important for me to keep in my mind that these are things well within my control, and I can’t mope around waiting for someone to come add excitement to our lives. It starts with me.
Another vague goal that I have coming into this year is to be more generous. Not long ago, someone from our church gave us a gift for the kids. It was a few hand me downs from their granddaughter for Laela, as well as a pair of brand new jeans and a hoodie for Dekker. The gift was from a lovely woman that we rarely run into and sort of know from a distance. The gift was not motivated by a baby shower, a sickness, or a real need as much as it was just a gift. She thought of us, and gave us a gift. Unbelievable!!! Why don’t we do stuff like that?! Why do we wait until something is organized before giving a gift? I’m not saying the gift has to be something purchased. It could be a card, or a call to someone you wouldn’t normally call, or a meal, or running an errand, or something else completely! I think I need to do more of that. I’ve actually been very slowly compiling a tub of gifts that I see and cannot pass up, but that aren’t for my kids. Hopefully, there will be opportunities to give these unexpectedly. Now that I’m thinking about it, I’m sure it won’t take long.
Lastly, I forget where I actually heard this idea, but I think it was from a movie. Someone asked someone else what they would do if they had no fear. I don’t mean adrenaline-wise, unless thats your thing, I guess, but what would you pursue, or whats something that is really important to you that you’re kind of scared/intimidated of. I’ve touched on this subject just a bit, but its a bit ominous for me to just share, so bare with me if I fail miserably or back pedal a ton. I am incredibly interested in makeup, and learning about it and playing with it, and potentially doing it on other people. It goes against my grain to be so interested in something based around vanity, but I feel like its a form of art and learning a new skill and I’m wasting my time by denying it. I really, really want to learn about makeup application and products. A lot. Now that thats out in the open, I have to start trying, right? I’m not sure what that means yet exactly, but its something I’m not going to overshadow anymore, and I’ll be on the lookout for opportunities, whether they come in the form of buying new products, watching YouTube videos, or actually taking classes somewhere. I’m excited to hopefully break out of my comfort zone and give it a go!!
Ok, all done. I’m sweating a bit after writing this post. I’m excited to see where this new year takes me 🙂