I have nothing too crazy to report on the subject, but I think at least some of you can relate to the satisfaction of some good lists!
Before, I had a beastly long list of “before baby” stuff, and a slightly less (but still pretty darn) beastly list of “before the party” stuff. In the moment, that felt good and organized. Made it all seem doable. I’ve since seen the light, and everything is rearranged and feels WAY more doable! There is still a LOT on them, but its just so so much nicer!
Firstly, I combined the lists. Because I want ALL the baby party stuff to be in hand before baby even comes. At least as much as possible. Many things will need to be purchased fresh, obviously, but for the most part, I want it ALL arranged pre-baby. So that made for one big fat list.
So I broke it down!
I have four categories. Things I need to BUY, BOOK, DO, and ASK FOR HELP with.
The “buy” list has so few things left on it! We crossed two more things off of it today, one we’re waiting a little bit longer on, and a few things I have to look a bit further into and just make decisions. That list is not ominous.
The “book” list is also short, so thats made it feel less ominous to me. A couple of appointments, and two other things that are not necessities in any way, but I think might be worth the fuss of scheduling. A date night, specifically, and a pedicure for the week before baby day 🙂 I also still need to decide whether I’m going to deep clean my house, or hire a cleaner. If I decide to hire a cleaner, I need to book that too, so thats an alternate…
The “do” list is the longest and the most daunting, obviously, but even that one isn’t bad. Brady and I have been better at buckling down and spending some time working on jobs after the kids go to bed. Its SO easy to just let down right around 7:30 and rest the evening away, but a few of the “to do’s” are bigger and will take a few days to accomplish, so we’re trying to be proactive. And its working! The list feels less ominous looking at it like this, because reading through it, I can pick out the priorities and the things that don’t need doing for a couple more weeks still. Its good 🙂 Some of the things on it are even *gasp* fun things!!
My “ask” list only has two things on it! For the record, I know I can and likely will ask for help with other things, but my ask list is specifically just for things that I’m needing from other people. I’m not afraid to ask for help on the other stuff too 😉 Beware, friends.
Each day feels exciting and like an opportunity to cross a few things off of these lists. Anything to bring her closer! Yet I KNOW that if literally NONE of these things get done in the next month, she will be more than fine, and we’ll all be ready for her. It feels like a good point to be at.