Behold the new look!
Yup. I did. I went purple again! 💜💙 With blue roots!!
I’m so stoked, honestly. I LOVE the colors, and the change! I feel like I’ve had pink hair for SO long, which isn’t wrong, really, since its been a solid six months. Time for purple again. It was pointed out to me after the fact that I also wore purple earrings today, and am sporting purple nails. We’ve got a theme going, apparently. Could be worse things!
I made it to the mall just before they opened, and spent four hours in the chair, chatting it up with my hair girl about summer plans, baby stuff, hair stuff, etc. We can easily kill a few hours together, no question. You know you have a good hair girl with that happens! Todays appointment felt like it flew by. I was sure that we had finished in record time. But nope. A comfortable four hours.
I had a few errands to run while I was at the mall, but scrapped a couple for the sake of my tired body. I had parked by the hair salon, and my errands were sending me completely to the opposite end of the mall. So I kept the errands minimal, grabbed the few things I justified, and waddled back to my van. I let Brady know I was heading home, and in true Hailey fashion, listened to one song on repeat all the way home. (PS If you haven’t heard Josh Ramsay’s latest song “We Should be Friends,” its cute and catchy.)
I came home to a quiet house. Three of my four kids were napping, and the oldest non-napper was apparently apprehended to grandma’s for the afternoon! Win! Brady had spent the morning cleaning carpets, which was SO lovely of him! Believe it or not, they weren’t even on my list! But they’ve been bugging him for a while, so they were on his list! He completed the last chunk of carpets in the house – our room – and that big job is DONE for the next while! SO awesome!
Laela had the most to say about my hair. She said she loved the color, and think it smells like curly fries. One day, she says, she will also have blue and purple curly fries hair. I don’t blame her.
It was so wonderful to get to be out at the hair salon for such a nice long break, but it was also so refreshing to come home and be so well received and loved and greeted so nicely. I sure love my family.
I hope Bambina likes my hair…
Beautiful hair!
It was sooooo good to have Dekker over. He’s such a funny guy!
Please tell Brady, because I’m sure to forget, that he did a great job of blogging yesterday.
Love you and your family so much my darling.