Cher here!
I wanted to share another part of the previous blog that I felt was a great follow up by Lysa.
Sometimes we feel the weight of other people’s perspectives of us, but it’s so important to stay focused on who GOD says we are. Are we deserving? No, but He says we are worthy! And if the King of the universe thinks we are worthy, then who can come against us?
Sweet friend, I don’t know who in your life has told you that you are anything less than a most glorious creation of the Almighty God. I don’t know who has spoken words over you and about you that have stripped you bare and broken your heart.
But I do know whatever statement was spoken to you that came against the truth must be called a lie!
God’s Word is the Truth. And His Truth says you are a holy and dearly loved child of your heavenly Father.
You are wonderfully made.
You are a treasure.
You are beautiful.
You are fully known by Him and lavishly loved by Him.
You are chosen.
You are special.
You are set apart.
No matter what you’ve done or what’s been done to you, these words of God are true about you.❤️
Lysa Terkeurst
Sweet Hailey, please read these words and let them resonate with you. 💜 I love you.