We picked up Mr Dekker from camp today, which felt like a long time coming 🥰 Our numbers have been off for an entire week, and it was good to have him back in our good graces.

We spent time watching demonstrations from each group at skills camp – outdoor survival, sports, drama, and robotics. Dekker was part of robotics camp, and while they couldn’t show us fully what they had been up to, there was a good video showing the kids working on their projects and their successes along the way. It was very cute 💜 He loved it and would happily go back!
Once Dekker was appropriately retrieved and we were back at the site, we spent some good time chatting at the fire. Not chatting with Dekker, of course. That would’ve made too much sense. He was off with a new friend until we made him come back for supper, hahaha! We ate big chicken salads before quickly switching gears and getting to the beach for a quick evening swim!

It was worth the work and the extra outing 💜 the weather was beautiful and the kids did well. It was a beautiful wrap up to thei day!
We thank the Lord for the chance to bring our kids here to camp. And for us as a family to have such a precious place to let down so much in this season. We are entirely grateful 💜