That move is really coming in hot!! Today Brady and I got into some of the nitty gritty! Brady disassembled the girls’ bunkbed and loaded it into the trailer. He also managed a lot with the babies while I did some more of the running around work. I emptied our basement fridge and got it defrosting, and I began the hefty task of packing up the dishes! It is far from done, but most of the mugs are gone (it looks SO much emptier without them on the wall) and plates, bowls, and cups are all wrapped and ready. Those boxes are still open and waiting because there were still dishes to be washed and added to the boxes, but they’re on their way to being done!

Today was also the day things started walking out the door. Our basement fridge has moved along to a new house, and in return, we were given a clear plastic drawer unit. We’d still like a couple of those, but my request for a beanbag chair has been fulfilled! It is even being held for us until after we’ve moved, which is a real help! Its nice to have that off the list! Another thing off the list is that someone spoke for our big freezer! YES! They are also willing to come for it whenever suits us, so we have time to transfer food around a bit. As much as we’ve tried to eat everything we can possibly eat before leaving, some will still make its way over, obviously. So the freezer is not empty enough to just give away yet. But there’s a name on it!
We still have some single bed frames and a black solid wood buffet/coffee bar unit that can go! And we are in the market for a big wardrobe-ish unit to double as a pantry for a little while until we can build one. We have one already, but would love the buffer of a second one.
We REALLY wanted to hit church this weekend but there is simply too much to do :/ So we will skip it one more time in an effort to really get work done. As the timeline gets shorter and shorter, we are eager to do as much as humanly possible each and every day! It is SUCH an exciting, albeit chaotic, time. But that is entirely our life these days/years, and that is just so fine. This chaos is welcomed 💜
Big things to come, friends! We are SO grateful for all we have, and who we have 💜 Sleep well, all.