Day one for the little miss in her winter wear! Isn’t she adorable?? I felt guilty when I bought her coat and snow pants (snow pants not pictured here), because they were pretty expensive, and considerably more pricey than Dekker’s snow stuff. But we bought his last year on clearance, and we had no idea what size Laela would be in. Also, it turned out to be difficult to find a cute two piece set, or even just a coat, that was 12-18 months, but she’s walking beautifully now and I think the one piece would make her crazy. So we got over our “guilt,” paid the money, and got her something adorable and actually really nice quality!! Very warm 🙂 And a perfect fit!
Do you hear the angels singing? Mukluk weather!!!!! I wish these existed for teeny tiny feet. However, Dekker loves his big boy winter boots, and Laela rocks her padraigs beautifully! So we are not without at all!
This was probably the single happy moment we had between Dekkers haircut and the next morning, so it needed to be posted. At the supper table, Dekker requested that we switch spots up so he could sit next to me. I love that boy, even when he makes me pull my hair out. Maybe I’ll just pull his out next time and avoid the whole “screaming in public” fiasco. Jokes. But seriously.
A MUCH smoother day the next day, just quite at home, rocking orange stripes together. Psh! Who doesn’t want to be in this club??
The hair looking like it should, on my handsome son. This is exactly what I was going for 🙂
Laela has been wonderful these last few days! With everything going on with Dekker figuring out some new boundaries, and struggling with all of that, Laela has taken her teething like a champ. She seems to have crawled into the backseat of things and is allowing us to focus on Dekker without any hard feelings. Of course, we still tend to her, and she gets lots and lots of attention, but she is coming into herself wonderfully, and seems very content, like her brother, with playing all by herself sometimes. Even when her cheeks and ears are warm to the touch. Two molars poking through now!
Last photo of today. I talked to my brother on the phone this afternoon for the first time in probably months. While we caught up on each others lives, Dekker broke out his prized stickers that never leave their pages, and decorated me. He decorated up to my knees, on my hands, and my favorite – one around each toe. I am currently typing this post in my bed while the kids nap, and I fear some will get lost in the bed. Could be worse fates.
So that is all the random catching up I have for you guys today. So silly how a couple of rocky days can really bring a person (and in turn, a family) down. But you guys have actually helped a ton. I feel SO backed up and way more normal than I thought I could. We all have days. Us as parents, our kids, and people who dont have kids! We all have stuff. I had someone tell me yesterday that there will be things about each age and stage that will be challenging, and it reminded me that now, at 26 years old, I have stages. I have challenges that I have to work on and struggle through. I have to improve my communication skills. I have to work through fears. Me! I’m pretty sure it doesn’t stop at age 27 either. I think we have a lifetime of learning ahead of us. So my kids will learn, as will I. And I need to love LOVE ADOOOOORE them through it! Because I KNOW I was loved and adored through my stages, and continue to be. My family rules, basically.
Ok, enough of all the mush. I feel ok today. Covered in stickers, Brady on his way home with the pretzel pizza from Little Caesars that I can’t seem to get enough of, with plans for tomorrow.
Its a good day.