There are just way too many pictures that need posting, so prepare for a completely random pic dump. And if some of them are repeats, I’m sorry and also not at all sorry. So many cute things that need remembering.
Salted caramel Bailey’s in chocolate milk 👌

Three in a tub!

Still curly on the bottom of her hair! Do you think it’ll stay?? PLEASE stay!

Wavy swings like crazy on the big swings now 😩

Poor Solly, lol! After a morning of sweating in a helmet, he looks pretty rough 😆 But also VERY cute.

The kids all need a wipe down at the end of outside days, and the girlies included my less than clean feet in the mix!

Wavy and Auntie 😍

We’ve been eating a LOT of big chunky salads around here! Can you spot the happiest chicken nugget hunk that ever lived? 🤔 Lived? Existed.

Wavy and Daddy

Lilacs from a friend 💜 They were such a nice brought touch in our kitchen for a day or two!

Laela plays a great game of Skipbo now, and this was a particularly exciting hand!

She was laughing SO HARD. Look at her little belly!!

My helpful boys!

He just looks like summer. See the tickler behind him? He didn’t, lol!

Never has a brighter bathing suit existed. She glows.

Sprinkler action!!

Look how BLONDE!!! And how dark!! Its crazy how her hair looks lighter than her skin all of a sudden!

Little grump 😆

Laela made baked oatmeal!

Solomon got tangled trying to put his shorts back on 😂

He was unimpressed.

Foot soak! Listerine, vinegar, and warm water. It was surprisingly meh 🤷♀️

Giving this whole thing a try. And its working!! WAY faster than I anticipated! This was just overnight!

We’ll end on these snuggly girlies!

Sooooo was that enough? Lol! SO many things, but they’re all cute and necessary to remember! Share some of your pictures in the comments, if you so desire! I’d LOVE to see what others have been up to!