This whole last stretch of life has been just bananas. In that, we’ve all had LOTS going on. I know its not just us. As I look back in my photos, I see a handful of things I want on the blog, and none of them really go together 😂 Sooooo mixed bag! And I’m numbering it because I’m positive it won’t be the only one!
Before I forget to add it, because I don’t have photo proof, Laela pulled out a tooth!! Maybe a week ago ish. Yay Laela! That thing had been loose for a while.
Look at how LONG Rowan’s hair has gotten!!

Laela’s note to me ❤️

We’re potty training Solomon!

And Waverly 😳 She has a hungry bum, lol!

Brady and I have started playing cards every night before bed 🙂 Its SO nice. I actually super love it.

We will never have enough schoolwork for Laela to do.

My magnet broke off of my phone case 😒 and Amazon sent my replacement to Jerilee’s house. Merp.

I briefly online shopped, and am officially in for the long haul! 🧶

Aaaand I have a weird finger thing growing that I can’t really get treated, because, non-emergent. Sooooo hopefully I can figure this thing out on my own!

I think thats it?? 🤔 Its a pretty wide variety, wouldn’t you say?? I’ll do bigger updates on the bigger topics eventually, like potty training. I wasn’t going to share about it, because potty training is in my top three least favorite parts of having kids 😂 and I wanted to leave myself room to give up. But, it seems we’ve got nothing but time and nowhere to go! 🤷♀️ So it was a good time to train Solly. And Waverly is an overachiever, so she wanted to join in the fun!

Its bananas. Wish us luck!!