Well. We did it. We pushed it today. We’ve been coasting all week, and realistically, we need to coast all this coming week as well. And we will. But today, we tried harder to push, and I think I can safely say we have no regrets. Brady? Do you agree? Brady?…..

So maybe Brady is a little overtired, but thats to be expected after this last week. Brain surgery was only ten days ago. And there is more to that story! But today, I’m going to share our victories, regardless of how small they are, from today.
We went to church! And we got there on time!! It was a very full service, with both churches in attendance. We were baby-free for a chunk of the service, and I’ll admit, I could’ve fallen asleep on Brady’s shoulder. But rather, I rested and listened and soaked up some church. It was really peaceful.
We went on to visit for quite a while but Brady and I were both fading pretty fast and we needed to go. So we did. And we went home. And Brady went right to bed. As did the Morsel. Lemon Drop and I dozed on the recliner until I had to get up and start prepping supper. I was determined to make a yummy supper even though we weren’t hosting anything fancy for anyone but ourselves.

Laela helped 💜

Nothing crazy at all. Just a bit more fuss than I normally make. We have roasted broccoli, ham and pineapple slices in a honey mustardish glaze, and crispy garlic parm potatoes.
And I’ve got to say, guys, it was worth the effort. It was SO yummy.

Anyway. We went to church and had yummy food. Thats about all the stretch we’re going to manage on top of our regular life things, and while I am very happy I was able to make good food, I am definitely anticipating another week of suppers a la other people 😩 That generosity is such an immense help, and we do not take it for granted.
This next week holds more rest and recovery, quiet mornings, and trying to stop Brady from doing work around the house before he’s ready. That alone is its own job. Wish me luck.