
Everyone had baths yesterday. All the kids anyway. Its become a nice, independent process where most things are done by the kids themselves, except for the occasional head check, or help getting the water right. Wavy is really the only one who still needs hair help, and she’s so easy in the bath. She likes to play and isn’t afraid to get her face wet. She’s a peach 🍑

Yesterday, Wavy opted to play in the tub for a while after her bath. When she was done, she got out on her own, and called to us that she was finished. And it was within ten seconds I could hear her whimpering. I went to go check on her, and she was standing in the hallway, stark naked, dripping, her arms wrapped around herself, positively shivering. She saw me and shook out the words “Can you help me get a towel please?” Poor little sweetie couldn’t reach her towel! Hahaha!

So I had the pleasure of wrapping her up in a burrito and snuggling her to safety and warmth! I kept her until she was cozy and playful again!

I know my little pruney snuggles are likely numbered, but I sure enjoy them when given the opportunity 💜