I picked up Kim around 9:30am and we headed to the city for some Christmas shopping. First, we stopped at the post office to reserve a post office box!!! Eek! Exciting times 😀 We’ll close our current one down soon, but I know there is mail on its way here, so we’ll wait a bit still. Christmas is a silly time to shut down a PO box. After that quick stop, we drove into town and began the mad race around to all of the important places which I cannot list, for the sake of giving away where I bought everyones gifts. I can proudly say I am DONE Christmas shopping! Well, I’m worried I bought one thing wrong so I have to double check the one item, but I’m very happy with all I accomplished. That aside, I had a really good time just visiting and shopping around with Kim. Good company always adds.
We were completely wiped out after our last shop, so we headed back to Kims place to drop her and her purchases off. However, after parting ways, I headed back in to a hair appointment. I got to the mall early so I perused Thyme Maternity and bought a new pair of jeans. I have never been able to fit the jeans from there, no matter what size I try, but it would appear my body has changed enough at this point that I can finally fit their pants! I fell for a pair of light wash super skinny jeans with a delicious jersey belly panel that goes aaaaall the way up. The only maternity jeans that have ever fit me properly are from Old Navy, and they have just a short little belly panel. I like the shorty panel sometimes, but at this point, my belly is more soft and squishy than a hard round baby belly (if we’re being honest) so I rock a bit of an unflattering pooch overtop of the panel. This full soft panel is SO comfy. I loved the jeans so much, I wore them out.

At that point, I had killed enough time that I could head to my hair appointment. I had a style in mind at my last appointment that required me growing my hair out a bit, so I’ve been feeling like a shaggy dog for a couple of months, and I was THRILLED that my hair girl, Carlinna, agreed that we could give the style a go. And I’m SO glad we did!!
I feel so fresh, and like my hair is finally interesting again! Haha! I know it was fine in the interim, and she had given me a cut to really help it along, but it was definitely a transition cut, and I finally got to my goal. Now I’ll see how long I actually keep growing the length out! I’ll maintain the buzzed part, but may rock the long part for a while. I’m excited to see how long this style holds my interest 😉 And of course, I love having this color back!
As you can see in the picture, I met my mom for supper after my hair appointment. We went to Tony Romas, since we’ve found a way to do it on the cheap, and still on the delicious. We ate, and chatted, and paid, and probably chatted for another hour! I miss her. It was great to catch up.
I made it home safe and sound, blasting my latest favorite music. I don’t get to rock LOUD music too much anymore these days, so I really take advantage when I can. The roads were clear and the weather was beautiful. It was a nice wrap up to the day.