As always, I will preface this post by saying I know Christmas isn’t all about the presents. Not at all. But consider that this post is easy, and can be written mostly in advance, so its what you get! Haha!

There was a lot of repetition in this years gifts. I had big goals of doing a full homemade Christmas for everyone, and that just didn’t happen. And thats ok. I let it go a long time ago. I didn’t have all my ducks in a row to even specifically get the categories together. But I’ll tell you what I did get to.
All five kids got a hover ball! They’re supposed to be thrown and come back to you. We haven’t quite mastered the art yet. Mostly we chuck them and they fly around on the floor like cats. But they are well loved and the kids are super excited about them.

All five kids got a hoodie. They are all in the family of that particular style of cozy clothes with the white cuffs with a red stripe. They’re all different shades of grey/blue, and some are zippered while others are pullovers. I’ve scoured Value Villages throughout the year for them to all have something that at least kind of matched.

All five kids got a paid of jammie pants. Dekker got thinner red plaid from a liquidation store. Laela got fleece mermaid scaled pants. Rowan got fleece pants with green, black, and grey triangles. Solly got thinner green plaid pants. Wavy got white cozy fleece lined leggings with a fair isle pattern on them.

All five kids got a book of lifesavers.
All five kids got a Christmas book. Dekker got Geronimo Stilton’s Christmas Carol. Laela got a Christmas themed Narwal and Jelly book. Rowan got a Christmas Robert Munsch book. Solly’s was my favorite – he got a book called Vegetables in Christmas Underwear, and its exactly as it sounds. Wavy got a book called You are My Merry Little Christmas, which is a cute take off of You are My Cupcake, which we really like.

The kids got a new devotional to share. We finished a really great one up earlier this year, and this is a new one by the same author. They are REALLY good devotionals.
Aaaaand all five kids got something else but thats going to be its own post.
I got sparkle balls that Brady ordered secretly earlier this year.

Brady got festive fancy underwear, a beard shaping tool, and a mug that speaks the truth.
My mom got potholders. I know. Thats it. But she’s nice and understood 💜

And there is more to come, but we have the opportunity to celebrate more in a few days with family 💜
For today, we celebrate the birth of Christ, without which we wouldn’t be so fortunate.

From our family to yours, we wish you the merriest of Christmases. I hope your garbage collector is as cute as ours!