Preparing and More Preparing

I know I’ve been cryptic for a while. It won’t last much longer. You’ll all be vastly more in the know soon enough about why I’m so all over the place. Sorry :/ I don’t take any pleasure in the “clickbait” aspect of things. I only wish I could share more. But. Here we are.

So as we prepare for change, I spent today preparing for other things as well. Beyond ducking out into the bitter cold for an important doctors appointment, I spent the day in the kitchen, prepping things for lunches. My kids don’t all have rocking appetites, some because of medications and some because they’re mine, and I don’t have much of an appetite myself. So I work pretty intentionally to make eating lunch easy and something they don’t dread. Today, I bagged up many boxes of crackers and bags of pretzels into little serving sized bags for lunches. I did the same with some fruits and veggies as well. Yesterday I re-ordered some cheeses and mandarin oranges. We still have a healthy amount of fig bars and fruit to gos floating around. Plus all the fruit cups, apple sauces, and whatever other grab and go things I can’t think of off the top of my head. But, there are lots of options, complete with some new ones as well. Hopefully that keeps the kids eating well for another stretch of lunches.

I shed a weird amount of tears today. In the kitchen. In my vehicle. Really, at the drop of a hat, lol! But that is just the times over here, I suppose.

Survival. We’re in it. Praise the Lord.