This morning, a couple we know from years ago came by our home to pray for us. I kid you not, they drove to Dalmeny, chatted for a few minutes, laid hands on Brady and I, and prayed over us. And then they left. The intentionally came to pray. This is something we should ALL do more often.
It was a powerful stretch of time in prayer, where they thanked the Lord for all the blessings He had already reigned down on us, and asked for more. They prayed for our physical and mental health, and for that of our children. They prayed in a way that we knew they had followed along, but also in a way that made it clear that their prayer was led by God Himself. We felt truly touched and accepting of the prayers that were offered. We receive your gifts, Lord!
I want to thank the people in our lives that understand Brady’s situation is long game. It did not end when he came home from the hospital. It did not end when he could walk on crutches. It did not end when radiation ended, and it will not end when chemotherapy is over. Of course our needs will vary over time, but our need for prayer will not.

We are overwhelmingly grateful for the continued pray and support from our people. God is working. He always has been. He’s never stopped. He’s never left. And He won’t.