Brady is four weeks down and two to go for radiation! ☢️ Today marked treatment 20/30! Thats a good long stretch!
Not a ton has changed in the way Brady feels. His attitude remains strong and well, while he legs feel a little bit less than way 😬 He gets the occasional headache which is managed with basic pain killers, and that works for now. If it becomes a consistent issue, it suggests the brain is experiencing some trauma and is a bit too swollen. Which is actually not some big concern, and can be treated with a steroid until treatment is over. Brady hates the steroid they default to, however, and he’ll do just about anything he can to not have to be on it. So for now, its managed, and thats working.
The biggest change in the last week has been his hair. Brady grew a little bald spot a while ago, and its started to become a bit more noticeable. He more so was bothered by the patchy look than the fact that was losing hair. So he started wearing a hat, which was logical but also, logically, started aiding the hair loss.

We talked about the plan to shave it all down a bit closer. When I went to touch it a little and see how sturdy his hair was, it just came out in pieces. It pulled out so easily. That spot was only going to get bigger and bigger.
Sooooo we buzzed it down aaaaall the way. The spot still visible, but much more subtle in terms of the bald stop, and Brady is so much happier.

So maybe you can tell from the picture, but right where the tumour was is the most prominent patch. It is thinning in a line towards the back of his head, where there is another balder chunk of scalp.
Absolutely NO good looks have been lost, I can confirm that! 😍

People we know who work in medicine, or specifically in the cancer centre, have commented a number of times how Brady does not look like a guy with grade four brain cancer, and we have to agree! While things are not picture perfect by any means, Brady continues to carry God’s strength and keep worries off of his heart 💜
Four down. Two to God. Lord protect our family.
Such a handsome man!!!