
My favorite man has completed his first week of radiation treatment!

Today was his fifth fraction out of thirty. Five more weeks to go! If you were to ask him how he’s been feeling, he would likely tell you he feels no different thus far. In fact, I would way he’s a little bit more upbeat than he’s been previously, partly because he is finally doing something to tackle the issue at hand. No more waiting. Just getting to it.

Have you noticed he’s changed his look? He had to take his beard WAY shorter in order to accommodate the scary mask he has to wear during his radiation treatments. And this weekend I shaved his short hair good and short, anticipating losing much of that hair to the radiation treatments. The top should survive, however, so we’ve left it longer. He is so handsome 💜

On Brady’s first day of radiation, I posted it on Facebook because I chose to blog about Wavy’s birthday rather than Brady’s cancer treatment. I’ve started to post it each day, right around his treatment time, and I’m kind of loving it! I SO appreciate everyone who prays and reaches out, and while its possible people might lose interest in seeing the same post thirty times, I may just keep on posting those reminders. What will it hurt? Nothing, thats what.

One week down, Brady boy. Five more to go. 💪