I’m so happy to report than Dekker had a totally successful potty training day!! Saturday was technically his first accident-free day, but he didn’t poop that day either. Today was his first TOTALLY successful, accident free day, including number two!!! He persisted, going to the potty probably three or four times within a ten minute span before he finally got things done, and he was SO proud!! What treat did he request? Banana pudding. Easy to please.
After that specifically, Dekker was in a fabulous mood for the rest of the day. He was proud, and clearly feeling well physically. I left for the evening when Brady got home, and had a lovely send off from the family. Kim and I spent the evening eating pasta, drinking yummy hot Starbucks, and shopping. I did fabulous, in my opinion. I got Laela some cute boots, Dekker his whole Halloween costume, a work shirt for Brady, a dress for me for an upcoming wedding, and a few other things. We grabbed one last snack before taking a backwards way home. It was a really nice date.
I called Brady on the drive home and we just visited about our evenings, as it felt like we’d hardly spoken all day. It was really really nice. He got some jobs done around the house and reported that the kids had been super adorable and cuddly with each other, had tidied toys up well together, and had gone to bed beautifully. And yes, best of all, no accidents!!! I’m JUST about at the point of putting Dekker to bed in underwear rather than pull ups. He knows what he’s doing and is almost always dry in the morning. We’ll see, though. I’m not sure I’m ready for the midnight pee accidents…
This has boiled down to a beautiful day And I have so many nice days coming up this week still!! I hope the rest of you had as lovely of a day as I did!