I got a call from the school today. Its probably our third in the last two weeks, so it feels like a lot. One hadn’t been a bit deal – asking for some of Laela’s information so she could be added to the list of kindergarteners. Another was the call that Dekker had thrown up last week. And now today.
Dekker had fallen during recess and was pretty upset about it. However, he had requested to come home. Now I really don’t want to be the mom who comes and picks up her kid for every little bump and bruise. But his teacher seemed to think he wasn’t being totally unreasonable, and asked if I wanted to chat with him. We had a little phone convo, and he admitted that he wanted to come home because he was mad, and that he was scared to fall at recess again. I reminded him that he sometimes falls at home, too. He agreed to try to be brave and stay at school.
But then I heard him make this sound. Dare I ask you all try to make it while you read this? Lol! close your mouth all the way, with your teeth clenched together. Then blow some air out. See how your whole face kid of flaps? How make a crying sound like that. That is the sound Dekker makes when he’s trying not to cry. And he made that sound as he walked away from the phone.
When his teacher came back on, I told her I didn’t want to be harsh and leave him there if he should really come home, and I wanted to be compassionate, but I didn’t want to start a bad thing. She was honest and said it would be fine either way, but that he was pretty choked, and without actually saying it to me, I got the vibe that he was somewhat disrupting the class. So I agreed to come get him.
So, here’s the story. Dekker was playing on the snow hill in the playground and another kid kind of jumped and fell into him. Dekker said he tried to jump over him, but it clearly didn’t work out with the ice factor, and he landed on his face. There was some concern that he may have bit through his lip, but thankfully, we’re in the clear on that one. He definitely bit his lip, and its clawed up on the outside and the inside, but not through! Win! I brought him home and marched him directly up to my room where we took some quiet minutes, made sure he was all clean, and “put some stuff on it.” Lol! “Stuff” fixes everything around here. Sometimes the stuff is lotion, or chapstick, or warm water. But in this case, I rubbed a bit of polysporin on it and he was satisfied. It had been his only request. “Can we just go home so you can put some stuff on it?” Yes, of course.
So, stuff was administered and soon after, lunch was had, and 3/4 kids are napping. Dekker is up and relaxing. He’s definitely fine, but sometimes the reassurance is worth the half day at school. Its hard to get hurt away from home! He does it often, and he usually bounces back no problem. But he was swollen and scraped, and frankly, no one at school was his mommy. Its just different. School has different “stuff.” They wear gloves when they look in his mouth. No one kisses him there. All of these things make sense, but they’re just not home. So, now he’s home, and that was the right move this time <3
Brady should be home shortly, and I’m looking forward to a relaxed evening with the lovies.