Brady went outside to get some jobs done yesterday afternoon. Levelling some dirt on our front yard, emptying his van of some garbage and refilling it with tools, blowing out the hoses, etc. He invited the kids to come play outside while he worked, and I was SO surprised that they hesitated! Like, I don’t blame them, because its winter, and that’s the worst, but they LOVE being outside! It took very little convincing, though, and they very willingly joined him outside. And they were glad they did 😀 A bunch of happy kids!

I, however, was a less willing participant, and spent that hour or two in the house, listening to music and hanging with Waverly.

It could’ve been a lovely bonding time, except I think Wavy was a little jealous…

I laughed SO HARD when I saw this picture later on! She didn’t cry or fuss or anything, but she was glued to the window for a good bit there, and she was super happy when her siblings were back inside. Once we’re all acclimated to winter weather, we’ll have to get her out there to play. I bet she’d be the favourite prop to drag around the yard in a sled. Because, while she walks great, I can almost guarantee she’ll be useless once she has snowpants on, hahaha!

I secretly can’t wait to see it though. In pictures, of course, where the snow isn’t actually touching me at all…