It began with the front yard, where we sectioned off a flower bed and filled it with lillies, daylillies, irises, and peonies – my favorite!! They were ALL gifted to me, and I am SO thankful!! It was a beautiful morning working in the front yard with my family ❤️

Then, lunch, and back out to the yard, with a bigger project in mind.
Garden time!!!

Brady had tilled the space up nicely

and my mom came to help me know what lived best next to what, how deep to plant, how heavily to cover, and what fit where.

She is a wealth of information, in a loving, warm, non-pushy way. I’m learning that I have some pretty heavy insecurities about certain things, and for whatever reason, I feel VERY nervous setting my yard up. The first row felt victorious! And dorky. Lol!

It was an amazing afternoon, and we got the entire garden in!!!

The day ended with wind and heat stroke, but it was so worth it, to get things in before the rain! We are forecasted for a thunderstorm this afternoon and I’m counting on that! We’ll of course still water things, but nothing beats real rain water. Oh, and thank you, Tom and Rae, for finding us a rain barrel!! Is it strange that I’m already SO excited that there’s water in it? 😆
Cher helped me threw some glads into my flowerbed this morning, so the rain can come anytime now. I’m ready. 🌧 ☀️ 🌱