Plancelled Clans


You get it.

Our morning plans were cancelled first thing, therefore we had no appointments to make it to!! So rather than getting up and active right away, and Brady missing work, I figured we could move a little slower.

Except I then fielded phone calls for at least a solid half hour and by then, the kids were done breakfast and I hadn’t gotten the chance to talk to everyone about the days plans! So I called everyone back the table and told them our change of plans. Everyone was happy for an unexpected home day!

Last week left absolutely NO time to catch up on basic life stuff, and we were completely out of baking. Like OUT out. No options. So I asked the kids for a bit of help with the babies and said I would bake. And I did! I made twelve dozen muffins!! Afterwards, I was feeling ambitious and went to retrieve some of my frozen bananas to see if I could whip out some banana bread as well! But alas, something was up with my bananas, and they are a total loss :/ Not too long ago, I had found my freezer was left cracked open. I had checked to make sure the meat was still frozen, which it was, so I closed it and moved forward. I’m thinking my bananas must’ve thawed out really badly because they are now very dark brown and incredibly sludgy in frozen brown liquid :/ That was disappointing. But it also forced me to sit for a bit, which is nice.

Of course, sitting was short lived because of my life being what it is, hahaha! But it was a solid idea at the time. But I’m getting another minute or two of sitting in here quickly before the Lemon Drop wakes up, which will be any minute now. Better let my legs hang limp off my recliner for just onnnnne more minute!

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