How in the world is it already time for my 20 week anatomy scan??? It is amazing to me how fast time has gone this pregnancy, but it sure helps a lot when so many other things are going on! Seven weeks ago, our house sold. Seven weeks. Almost. Its been pretty much super insane since then. I remember announcing our pregnancy and the sale of our house in the same post. And now, here we are, suddenly, ready to see that growing baby in my womb again!!!

So my question to YOU is “pink or blue?” Oh hey, I rhymed! Go me!

To compare pregnancies, its probably been the closest to Dekker’s, but with that unbelievable leg pain that is new. Not new new. I’ve had it in all of my pregnancies, but its by far the most severe its ever been, and come on the fastest. I was only nauseousish (thats a really hard word to say) for about nine weeks, and even then, it was a pretty gentle morning sickness. I’ve been dizzy, same as always, and considerably LESS snacky. The one big difference from this pregnancy is that I have SO MANY ZITS! Its common for me to break out pretty significantly in the first trimester while my hormones rage and get accustomed to their new little parasitic friend, but I have never had it like this. I don’t want to pain too vile of a mental picture, but they are not only in clusters on my face and under my chin, but they are all over my shoulders, chest, and down my back. They are SO GROSS. This, however, is likely partly thanks to my stress level as well. In fact, a decent amount of my symptoms could be related to our current situation, and the last month or so, but I can’t know anything for sure. I’m sure both aspects of our life play a role.

To compare a few other little facts, baby’s heart rate has always been around 150 bpm, and my uterus is measuring pretty much exactly to date. My bump is really quite small still, as in you might not notice it if you weren’t looking directly for it, so I’m guessing I’m carrying a bit further back. Those are really all of the details I know about this bean!!

The last thing I’ll put out there for the sake of guesses is my guess! I’m saying its a boy. That was my immediate thought the day I found out I was pregnant, and while I’ve felt a bit wishy washy about it recently, I’m sticking with it. I’m guessing a third blue baby.

I would LOVE for anyone and everyone to wager a guess, just for fun, because I will know TOMORROW already!!! How crazy is that?!?! I really really hope baby shows us the goods. Above all, I OF COURSE hope baby’s bill of health is clean as a whistle, but there is less of a game there, which is why I’m focusing my post more on the gender. I know the higher goal is health and wellness. Eek! I can’t wait!!!

So guess already!!! What do you think we’re having? What will baby four turn out to be?!

Deanne Makellky

I’m gonna guess girl cuz I’m going with the pattern. Also the zits may not only be stress related but could also be hormone related. Congratulations either way!


Well Hailey! I’m guessing or maybe closer to hoping you have another little
Girl! Leala is sooo cute(not that the boys aren’t cause they are) but I can still see the picture you posted of her having a little tea party and think she would love to have a sister!


Laela would LOVE a sister!!! She loves to snuggle her bros SO much, but I know she would be head over heels to dress and dote on a little girl <3

mama jeanne

Boy 🙂 Not preference…just a guess….either or, or both, are great with me! I’m just a lovin’ this little one so much!