Part of me is nervous to get too revved up about my ultrasound this week, since you never know if you’ll be able to see the gender or not. BUT I’m deciding to be optimistic and just hope for the best! I’m past the 20 week mark already so here’s hoping!
*Before I get too far into this, I’m implementing the Bambi law once again. If you can’t say anything nice, please don’t say anything at all. I have full respect for people who don’t want to find out, and all the wonderful surprise that comes with that, but its our decision as a family and we hope to find out. To each their own. Not something to get too riled up about.
So! I have no idea how to write a comparison post about three different things. That being said. It will probably jumble pretty bad, but I’ll do my best. I know I’m also only halfway through this one and all kinds of things could still change, but I’m going for it anyway.
At this point in my previous pregnancies, I had gained ten pounds. I have gained maaaybe five this time.
With the first two, baby was easy to find on the doppler very early. This time, baby is still hard to find, tucked waaay back in there, making it almost not register on the doppler.
According to early ultrasounds, D & L measured exactly to their due dates, if not a day or two bigger. J measured a solid few days small.
Dekker: no morning sickness
Laela: very nauseous until about 15 weeks
Jim: middle of the road nausea until about 12 weeks
Dekker: no boob pain
Laela: boob pain before I knew I was pregnant, held on for a week or two
Jim: boob pain for the last two months with no sign of stopping (living in sports bras)
Dekker: noticeable bump
Laela: not a blessed thing
Jim: finally starting to show, but mostly just looking like I ate two lunches
I have had acid reflux with each pregnancy, just starting earlier and earlier with each baby.
I had no pelvic/pubic pain with Dekker, lots with Laela starting this early, and none so far. I know there is still time for that to start, but if it didn’t start with all the walking we did in Vegas, I’m thinking I have a bit more time.
Felt movement with Dekker around 19 weeks, with Laela around 16 weeks, and with Jim around 18 weeks.
With Dekker and Laela’s pregnancies, I got beautiful skin, hair, and nails. This time around, I have chunks of dry skin all over my face, and where its not dry, it is pimple-ridden like that of a fourteen year old boy.
This is all a bit confusing, and maybe over-sharing on some levels, haha! I swore I would know exactly what I was having this time, but it seems like Dekker and Laela were very opposite extremes, and this baby is hanging out in the middle. Haha! Pun. I want to add one more weirdo detail to the mix before you consider the whole pictures.
On my moms side of the family, the order of cousins went boy, boy, boy, girl, girl, and so on. So far, all the grandkids on that side of the family have matched that line, Laela being the first girl. So following history, Jim should be a girl. Also, in my family of siblings, my mom had my brother, sister, and then me. I had Dekker, Laela, and now Jim. My mom said her pregnancy with my brother was very easy, and then her pregnancy with my sister was much harder. Her third pregnancy was so much easier than her second that she was sure I was going to be a boy, but fun surprise!, I’m a girl. So thats an argument specifically for girl too. Lastly, speaking of family, Dekker is dead set on baby Jim being a girl. He has requested we name the baby either mommy or grandma.
So I’m curious what you all think! I’d love any random opinions you have, as many as I can get! Our scan is on Friday, and I’m really hoping we can see whats going on in there! Of course, above all, we want to see a steady heartbeat coming from a healthy little (or big, let’s be honest) baby. But this is a really fun part for us This is the part when I start feeling considerably more connected to my baby. When I can say he or she instead of it. I know some people think the nicknaming thing we do is lame but it is our last ditch effort not to call the baby it. (Bonus points for anyone who remembers Dekker and Laelas nicknames!) Anyway, throw out your guess! Laela was too shy to show us her gender at 20 weeks, so she was “orange” until we got a 3D scan and found out. Let’s hope Jim is a bit more of a showboat. In the womb, anyway!!!
Wager a guess!
** OOPS! Forgot to add heart rates in here! Dekkers never exceeded 160, and Laela and Jim both easily went over 170.
My guess would be girl because of your skin and just because I think girl but I thought both of my boys were gonna be girls so….
I don’t remember which one but one of your babies was Bagels.
Also we had two surprises but it was really hard with Theo not to find out and I would definitely find out with the next one.
Dekker was bagels and thanks for casting your vote! So far the vast majority is saying girl. I genuinely don’t know, and have flip flopped a ton! Good for you for not finding out!!! We’re waaay too curious apparently we’re children, lol!