Today was a good but big day. We had no naps, and we were definitely feeling it. SO! I’m opting for a photo post 🙂 That usually just highlights all the positive points of the day anyway. Yay! Positivity!!!
I couldn’t keep my eyes off of these littles on while Brady drove us to church. They are just TOO CUTE! And Dekker was drumming like a mad man to the music.Laela being part of the singing this morning 🙂Church selfies#badmom #yesjesuslovesmyselfies #entertainingtoddlersThen we pulled out the good camera and went for lunch with my parents.He was grouchy moments before we took this. Selfies make everything better.Of course…In case you were wondering, yes, they’re good kissing lipsAaaaand the worlds most unflattering picture of Rowan! Hahahaha!!That time that you pull out your camera to take a picture and forget it was on selfie mode. Sigh.Testing out couches in Costco. If we actually had a bite on our house, or any hope of selling in the foreseeable future, we would jump ALL OVER this one.Sad kids made happy by looking at themselves. Anyone else?
So after putting this post together, I feel like laughing. The kids were in rare form today, and I’ll be the first to honestly admit that it was a trying one for me. Yet they were all of my high points in the day 🙂 Its a good reminder for me, anyway, to look back and take note of whats really important. Today, it was smiling in selfies with my kids.