Unfortunately, we didn’t think to wash or sweep the deck off first, and it made a huge mess of their clothes and themselves in general.
Its ok. I did laundry.
So the evening was cut a bit short in order to get everyone bathed and into bed at least around the usual time. They were happy, though. It was nice.
We didn’t have the best night with Rowan at all, and I woke up feeling pretty zonked, but I actually really enjoyed today! I spent a good chunk of the morning on the phone with my mom, which I haven’t done in AGES. I miss her. Afterwards, I embarrassingly called every restaurant I could think of that I though might have a “kids eat free” day, and made a master list for our family to have on hand. Maybe that way, we might do less fast food and be able to go out a bit nicer when we have city days. I didn’t think those promos still existed, but they sure do!
Once the calls were all made, I quickly made the kids some lunch. While they were occupied with that, I washed up and got ready for the day. I packed up the diaper bag, picked the kids clothes, and got them ready as well.
On the way out of town, I checked the mail. Apparently I ordered two premium BMs. Suspicious, yes? Its ok, they were camera batteries. Phewf!
We met Brady in the city, abandoned his work van at Costco for the next few hours, and ran around to run our errands. We renewed our vehicle insurance, dropped my family ring off at the jeweller, and stopped at Walmart to buy a ring to wear while its gone for the next week or so. Does anyone else feel naked without their rings?! From there, we did a quick grocery shop at Superstore. Revlon stuff is on sale for unbelievable prices, so I got a lipstick and a two pack of their awesome gel envy nail polishes. We’re loving Dekker’s cool new hat from Superstore, but we don’t much care for any of the girls hats we’ve seen, so we opted to finally buy her a cute hat from the baby boy section and she LOVED it and wore it the rest of the time we were in Superstore 🙂 We got the rest of our stuff, and the kids got their cookies. We picked up our weekly savings after that, where I looked back and saw this sad sight, haha! No idea why, though!
We actually picked up a CHRISTMAS GIFT in the afternoon as well, before stopping for supper. We weren’t there long before taking our happy kids with full bellies to Costco for the last stop. I swooned a bit over these nice athletic looking zip up jackets they had there. I have a nice bright pink one that I got last year, but there is a lovely dark grey one that I’d love to get my hands on as well. Oh well, I got enough treats for myself today 🙂 We grabbed our bulk groceries, plus a tin of pretty hand lotions, and we were off. For the first time ever, Dekker put his arm around Laela in the cart and cuddled her. Of course, it turned into a headlock, but she was all in, and soaked up the snuggles with her big bro.

Its good to be home now. We dragged them into the house and straight to their room to get their jammies on. Laela was more than ready, but Dekker was doing everything he could to NOT put his jammies on. Finally, Laela walked over to him and tried her hand at helping him into his shirt. It was hilarious to watch, and definitely delayed the process, but was SO worth it!! Now, however, the two older kids are trashed after not sleeping AT ALL today, and Rowan isn’t doing too much better, honestly, so it could be an interesting night. But hey, last night was interesting as well. We have interesting kids, so I suppose they’re allowed these nights once in a while.
It was a nice day, filled with visiting and outings. But now its time for a bath and a small snack. And tomorrow – three days worth of dishes :/ I like it so much more when I’ve kept up with that. Oh well, its gotta get done. Not tonight. Tomorrow.
Ooh are you willing to share your “kids eat free” list?? 🙂