And them. LOVE them!

I’m also happy to say we finally got our act together and grabbed all the photos from Dekkers birthday party from my mom, so I’ll do a photo post about that really soon. I know, Deks has already been three for ten whole days, but better late than never, right? Maybe tomorrow 🙂
Oh oh oh! ONE MORE THING I have to talk about because I’ll forget later, and I’m TOTALLY excited! Recently, we got our water cooler/Keurig thing and it is fully set up, fully working, and fully awesome. Seriously, I am so excited to have that working in our house. Also, we are currently waiting on three parcels that I’m really excited for! Some cute fall clothes for Laela in the next size up, since she’s growing like a weed, will be here early next week. PLUS, coming in the next who knows when, we just recently ordered a whole five piece set from for the new baby! I loved having the inside of Laela’s carseat so soft, and I’m excited Jim will know the same minky softness 🙂 AND a new nursing pillow!!! Ours has been soaked in vomit from who children, its wearing in the middle, and just needs to be replaced. So I used the coupon code from purchasing the carseat cover and got the nursing pillow for just the cost of shipping! Both adorable patterns and I just can’t wait! I’ll post it all on here when it finally comes 🙂 Sorry, but I can’t be the only person who gets excited about mail. I can’t be, right??!!