We’ve been outside so much these days, and I have a lot to show you! However, a lot of pictures include our current project, and I’m saving those for their own post. Which hopefully won’t be too far away! We’re making great time on it, which is both thanks to Brady’s work ethic and also the fact that we have no deadline 😆 Because, quarantine. Because, unemployed. So todays post will just be sweet outside pictures from the last couple of days.
Solly is ALWAYS under the deck, close to the action.

This man is also always close to the action, for obvious reasons 💪

These two are virtually inseparable these days 💙💖

Thank goodness for these empty lots beside us as we work in the yard! I secretly hope the one next to us stays open forever 🤞

Solomon is SO handsome!

This swing set was gifted to us in the fall, and it is lifesaving these days! It was great last year, but adding Wavy’s swing to it has made it even better!

Waverly occasionally breaks up the work by taking Brady for walks. “Hand? Hand?!” She’ll call to him, and off they wander. Its cute.

We’re embracing the muck these days, which is not something I’m great at, but I’m trying, and I’m learning! So if you see us around and everyone is filthy, just roll with it.

Aaaaand these kids are almost impossible to photograph, because they’re WAY too busy, but we love them, too!!!

Everyone is tan and energized and sleeping better and suuuper grumpy when its time to come inside 😆 Its all as it should be. Its strange how it can almost feel like all is right in the world when it is so clearly not the case. But I’m thankful for my family, the fun we’re having, and the things we’re getting done together!
I anticipate the upcoming days, weeks, and months together. I hope we build, blow bubbles, run, play, garden, and run through water. I hope we eat a ridiculous amount of freezies, as well as cheese and crackers and meats. Fruit and veggies. Picnics. Water water water. Hats and sandals. Shorts and tank tops. Swimsuits.
These are GOOD days. I’m so grateful.