Performances Gone Wild

The last three days have held plenty of excitement in our household. Specifically for Laela! Friday was Laela and Waverly’s ballet recital, which they have worked VERY hard for. Saturday held Laela and Solomons piano recital, which was an even bigger deal being that it is their first year playing piano! And then today, Laela was Mary in the church’s kids Christmas play! Wavy was in it too, but let’s be real. Her part was “grandkid” which meant she sat on the stage and listened to the story. So. It counts but it doesn’t, lol! No burn, Wave! Tomorrow Laela has another fun thing up – her first read-through for the spring musical!!! Have I mentioned that she got a role?? We may have to talk about that sometime soon on here. For now, I’m going to keep it locked 😎 Just for kicks.

This week also holds school Christmas plays, which Laela (surprise!) has a part in. Its also the final week of parkour and piano. Dekker has Christmas stuff at youth, as well as the high school Christmas banquet. I need to get teacher gifts organized and delivered. All three babies have visits this week. The list goes on and on.

As chaotic as things look when listed out, I truly love our life, and feel incredibly blessed to live it 💜