Our family of ten spent the day with my mom, my siblings, and their families! We have a group of 21 all in, and it is SUCH an amazing group! We have had an incredibly lovely time together today, and Friday supper as well. Some of us were together in May. Others we haven’t seen in person for five-ish years. And no one (besides my mom, of course) have had a chance to get to know our babies!! So this time together has been a total whirlwind of stories, jokes, pranks, food good, and really getting to know each other again. It has been an incredible blessing!
Of course, most of the pictures I have, I can’t show you :/ Man. That is really hard for me. It feels like I’m hiding things, and I’m NOT! But, rules are rules. So I’ll show you a snippet or two.
My mom had the forethought to rent the church gym out for the weekend so we could nap the babies and also have room to run simultaneously. Stefan arranged a whole bunch of games for the kids to play, and then just some free time to run. Many of the kids do well with a bit of a plan in place, so that was perfect. Then we hit the spray park and playground for a bit before we went back to the gym for more play, as well as some spread out coloring and drawing tables, and some snacks. Dekker surprised me by getting in on a game of floor hockey!! 😍 That never happens!! It was SO nice to see!

Once I got the all clear that the babies were all up at the house and it was time to get supper going a bit more in depth, it was time to tidy up the gym and head home.

It was just a really really cute scene 💜
We went back to our house and kids played downstairs or with the babies in the living room until suppertime, where we ate our body weight in kielke, sausage, schmaundt, and honey carrots. YUM!!! We wrapped the evening with a drumstick-esque cake, all peanut buttery and frozen. SO good! It was almost as good for my tummy as it was for my heart to see the Morsel practically launch out of my arms the moment Uncle Simon came into view 😍 It felt like worlds colliding in the best way!
We wound down the activities a bit earlier than the night before so we could all pack it in at a reasonable time. Over here, the Lemon Drop is not sleeping well, and we are feeling pretty wiped to say the least. Yet, winding down the group still took time, as it does, and only now, at 9:52pm can I say every child is tucked into bed.
My turn! 🙋🏼♀️😴