Unfortunately I was feeling pretty gross yesterday and it carried over into today. Brady did the whole morning with the kids and I slept until 10:00-ish. I got myself dragged out of bed and dressed, and we drove to my parents place around 10:30. There, we met my parents, my brother and his family, and a couple of their friends. We made it over to the parade path and picked our spot.
I loved the parade this year. The last time we went, there were a LOT of sirens and they really put Dekker off. I know lots of people liked the novelty, but just for our family specifically, that was the hard part of the parade. Enough that Dekker actually didn’t want to go :/ So I was very relieved when the emergency vehicles just waved and threw candy without blasting their sirens. It was really nice for us 🙂 There was one brief incident where Solly got nailed with a water balloon, though, haha! It was TOTALLY unintentional, and the thrower of the balloon was completely apologetic and looked to feel pretty sick about it. He recovered pretty quickly, and all was well, but it definitely a first! Lol! The kids pulled in a boatload of candy and got some sun. It was a good morning.
It was lunch time by the time the parade was over, and the little boys were ready for a nap. So was I, frankly. I have the body aches of a person who has been throwing up for days on end, even though I haven’t vomited at all! Just SO sore! So once again, Brady manned the kids and I went up to bed to rest my body, and eventually nap. It was exactly what he doctor ordered.
Brady woke me up when we had about a half hour before it was time to head out again. My mom had invited us to join the rest of the group for supper to celebrate Sollys birthday and all be together. We haven’t seen my brother and his family since Christmas, which is CRAZY, so it was definitely time. We had a great visit and supper, and the kids all ate their food super well. Solly ate an entire hot dog. As in a whole wiener and bun, plus some watermelon, and then about half of a sliver of cake, but at that point he was SO full! Pretty impressive eating skills, Solly Wolly!
The bigger kids all went downstairs to play after supper, and Solly and his littlest cousin sat upstairs at the table, playing with his new birthday truck. As is my moms usual, every single kid got a little present as well 😉 Can’t have anyone feeling left out!
Now, we’re home, because at least ONE of them is feeling finished 😉 Kids are down, bath is running, and we’re feeling pretty wiped out. Though if I’m being honest, I REALLY hope I’m awake and alive later this evening. Even if we can’t get to the fireworks, maybe we’ll be able to see them from here 🙂 Everything is just so much nicer now that we live here!
We didn’t get to the few activities we had hoped to today, but we’ll be somewhat out and about tomorrow anyway. I say again, car show, guys. You should probably come.