While we’re all preoccupied with the quarantine, there are still other things going on. Before this all went down, I was working on getting a handle on some crazy pain I’d been working with. I had immense pain in my hands, wrists, shoulders, and on any given day, basically everywhere else. It was completely out of control for a very long time. The last I updated you was mid-February, where I had decided to start taking an antidepressant in an effort to calm down the pain centres of my brain. For a minute there, I was taking two antidepressants in the morning (figuring out doses,) six extra strength Tylenol, four Naproxen, and one stomach protector. Every. Day.
A beautiful thing has been happening. My pain is going away. Quicker and more seamlessly than I had anticipated. Today marks six weeks since I began my medication. My new medication is supposed to take 6-8 weeks to work fully. I’m currently on a child’s dose. Yet, earlier this week, I stopped taking Naproxen completely, and suffered ZERO CONSEQUENCES. Its WORKING!!!
It feels so validating to know the choice I made was the right one. That all of my waiting and stretching and resting was fine, but that it was legitimately something else that needed fixing and support. My brain! It just wasn’t going to catch up, or at least not for a LONG time. Taking this new medication has improved my quality of life immensely, and I have zero regrets taking it!
So I’m currently on my antidepressant, which is only one pill that is my correct dose. And I’m taking Tylenol arthritis besides that. With those two things, I am caught up and comfortable. Praise the Lord for answers and wisdom. Sometimes, His answer doesn’t seem like a popular choice, but His way is always the best way!
Oh, that’s so wonderful to hear, Hailey! We ve been praying long and confidently and are so l thankful!
God is faithful!
Love you😍❤️💞
Thank you for praying! Please keep at it. I’m not out of the woods yet but I’d sure love to be!