Today was one of those mornings where it wasn’t crazy sunshiney bright, but rather grey and and rainy. I don’t mind these overcast mornings one bit, partly because I love the rain, and partly because it feels cozy in a different way. It was still very nice out, and I was very comfortable! But it was grey.
Another bonus/downfall of these days are the darker mornings. Everyone wakes up slower. Which might mean hauling unwilling children out of bed, but it does make for goooood sleepy snuggles!
I got the downstairs boys up first today, because it was a school day for Solly and he moves SO slowly in the morning. Even slower this morning…

I’m pretty sure Dekker was also asleep until the moment I opened the door.

I went to the girls next, because they’re also pretty pokey. They both woke up when I opened their door and not a moment before.

Wavy was already climbing out of bed when I came to take her picture, haha!

I got Rowan last. He is my fastest mover in the morning, so he often ends up setting the table and doing all the morning stuff on his own. I figured today I’d give him the best chance to have some help with that. He was my most awake kid this morning, but he was still very cozy in bed.

Hopefully tomorrow, everyone has a big more energy, because its track day!!! Aaaaand no one is excited 😬 So wish us luck! Maybe we’ll all just stay in bed…..