Our last day of lake time in August. I don’t feel ready to see it go. Yet I am definitely ready to stumble into our fall routine, so I’m grateful to take it on and see what comes with it!
Last night was filled with rain, making our morning fire an extra challenge, but it did finally happen!!

Waverly was still mostly asleep when it was time to wake up, but it didn’t take long to get her all on our level!

Our dear Dahlsjos joined us for the s’morening. We have barely seen Piper in the last month or more, so it was a real treat to have her back with us 💜

The rest of those kids are also pretty much awesome. We sure love that family!

We had limited time at our spot this weekend, so we filled it in the best way we possibly could, and hauled everyone down to the water to take in the wind and rain. Tug of wars ensued. Treats were enjoyed. Lots and lots of snuggles for the little, chilly ones.

Finally, it was time to wrap it up. Brady and I went back to the camper to pack and clean up, and all the kids went to the ark park. The older Dahlsjo girls are SO loving to our younger kids, and often, happily look after them, include them in their things, and by default, really help Brady and I out 💜 We are SO grateful.
Today’s method of time spending was gaga ball!

Wavy had never played before, and definitely didn’t follow every rule, and NO ONE got after her. It was really, really lovely. It was extra sad to leave today. It felt like we didn’t have enough time. Ugh.
We drove home, stopping in PA for some staple groceries to get us through a couple of days, and some yarn, because I have a problem. (Luxury Christmas blankets, anyone?)
Forgot Walmart didn’t do bags anymore.

Came home. Ate supper. Did baths.

It’s gonna be yet another gigantic week, but we eagerly anticipate the next time we get to spend with our friends! 💜 Assuming harvest allows for it!!

Behold 🙌 The absolute COOLEST kids! 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
This summer is a beautiful time to remember 💜 I will miss these weekends.