There is a LOT of work to do around this place. You know those huge daunting tasks that just stare at you and intimidate you? We have a GOOD handful of them right now. Part of that is because of our gigantic life changes that make certain jobs just a LOT harder or take a LOT longer. Part of it is that we were incredibly busy this summer and gone for most of it. Now that we’re back, its glaringly obvious that certain things need doing, and sooner than later.
One of the big ones thats been bothering me more than any other is our bedroom. Its just a dumping ground. For everything. There is SO much clutter. Once upon a time, I had a desk up here. I LOVE the desk, but it doesn’t fit up here anymore. Not well, anyway. The desk is large, and solid wood, so it is very heavy. It needs to travel down three half flights of stairs to the basement spare room. You may have noticed, but Brady is no longer able to heave a giant desk down three flights of stairs. Add onto that the fact that all of our stairs have double railings now. Sooooo thats a giant job. One we haven’t figured out yet. But everything is changing in here soon, and its time to find a way. So, at least today, I did my part!
Bear with me. Its still a mess. But it’ll all make sense in a few days.

I got the desk entirely cleaned off and emptied. I moved the brown shelf out of its way so that it will exit our room as seamlessly as humanly possible. I’m not sure if the brown shelf will stay in our room or not. But thats an easy one to move on my own. Also solid wood, but a lot less bulky. The shelf isn’t my enemy. The desk is.
In order for the desk to move, the spare room needed to make more sense. The double bed would not allow for the desk. So, for the time being, we moved in a single bed. The double bed was SO old, and needed to go anyway. So the desk will fit in here, as will a single guest. Not ideal forever, as we’d love to be able to host more people overnight, but in the hypothetical “someday” house, the desk will live elsewhere and the guest room will have a bigger bed again 🙂
For now, this will do.

Still have to cut that topper down but its on its way! Cleaned out, ready for a desk! And a good vacuuming…
There is still SO much to do. Its far from over. But its a start, and that counts. Right now, it feels like moving messes. But it won’t always feel that way, because it won’t always BE that way!
While I am so unbelievably grateful for our weekends at the lake that flowed into October!!! I am also SO grateful to be home now, getting things done and catching back up in our regular life stuff here at home 💜