Beyond the four categories of gifts, some other pictures really turned out, and some other gifts were fun, so I want to show you that as well 🙂 Plus, I want you to see how some of the gifts are going over since they were received on Christmas Day.
First, the gifts from Cher! This year, everyone got Scooby snacks and a stuffy, and they were STOKED!! She chose each stuffy really well for each kid! Plus, our kids developed a real affinity for Scooby Do this summer from watching with the Dahlsjos, so the Scooby snacks went over very well.
Rowan got a moose, and his name changes regularly. Moosey. Christmoose. Snugs. Once he accidentally called him Guts.

Apparently Dekker just says Oooooh Christmas Tree in place of it being named, lol!

Laela’s candy cane is named either Minty or Holly. I don’t think its nailed down yet.

I believe Wavy’s hot chocolate cup is named Ice Creamy. Go figure, lol!

Solly’s little guy is named Ninjabread Man 🙂

They have already been snuggled for the night! As you can see, the new fleece sheet sets are also out in full force 🙂 Five stars 🖐

Wavy was oddly uninvested in her Barbie at first, but once she watched Laela play with it for a bit, she saw how fun it was, and now she loves it! Thats Dekker reading his fart book in the background, also.

Rowan is loving his projection light! LOVING it. He already is opting to take some little breaks with it in his room when he’s feeling overwhelmed. Yesterday, he took a shorty nap during quiet time, all on his own.

The kids made us lots of super cute (and some hilarious) ornaments and art!

I bought Brady a water bottle. Which sounds super lame, I know. It was more for me. His nice Swell bottle dropped this summer and the base of it cracked. It still holds water but it sits sideways and rattles ALL LIFE SUCKING DAY. So now, it doesn’t, lol! Don’t worry, he also got a beer advent calendar all month long, which is the bulk of his Christmas gift. I’ll talk about that in the next day or two!

I received this beautiful mug as my homemade gift exchange gift! I LOVE it! Brady was super creative and got me a heated Milwaukee hoodie! It lights up, which is SO funny, and it has a battery pack, which also makes me laugh. But its warm and toasty and I really, really love it!!

It has been a LOT of fun these last couple of days. Lots of playing. Lots of lightness. Lots of good food and low expectations for ambition. Just being together.

It has been a strange season in some ways, and a very peaceful season in others. We are really looking forward to spending some time with some more family again very soon 💜 Just a couple more days!!
Now if it would just stop snowing so we could go drive around and look at the lights!