You know those horrid time suck articles where you scroll through a hundred pictures and only two are funny? Well once in a while, there is a real, true gooder. And I’m going to share one with you from the other day, because MAN I laughed. Boisterously. Out loud. A small preview of my type of humour, in case we feel differently…
They are all absolutely ridiculous. Some take a second to understand, but they’re worth it, I promise you!
Anyway. Here’s the link, friends! Fifty laugh-worthy pictures! A super easy, quick scroll if you have only a couple of minutes to waste 😉
The days aren’t easy right now, and thats ok. We’re all doing our best to roll with the punches, and specifically, be grateful for as much as we can, to highlight the positives amidst everything else!
Yesterday, Brady had an inventory day at work. They closed the place down, and worked late. So it was just me and the kids, which is most definitely doable, but we sure love the buffer of having Brady home in those hours. However, it was very smooth, and quite struggle-free!
Kids came home and did their reading, and then played really well together until supper.
I kept food really simple, and everyone had grilled cheese bagels and cucumbers. Rowan rebuild his cucumber, which surprisingly, everyone really got a kick out of, lol!
After supper, the kids naturally dispersed, and actually played in groups – a couple downstairs and a couple in a bedroom. Meanwhile, I scrolled a little and got some giggles.
Yup. Saving this idea for another day.
When it came time to wrap up for bedtime, it was a little doddly but nothing out of the ordinary. Normally, Brady reads a bible story to the group, and this time, Laela begged to read to everyone. So she did.
I know it seems silly to say, but I can’t believe I have kids who are old enough to read to the whole family with confidence. Its just wild. Or school supervision. Or trying out for school plays. All that stuff is just bananas to me.
I slept hard, and feel decently rested. However, I’m going to take it super easy today. I was going to make granola bars, but I still have lots in the freezer, so that can wait until tomorrow or the next day easily. I’m going to leave some room for my heart, brain, and body to rest today 🙂
Thank you, sweet Cherice, for that sage advice this morning 💜 I’m absolutely going to take care of me and make sure I let myself do some comfy things.
Tomorrow, I have to try to stay organized with kids who need to bring skates and helmets. I have to get Wavy to preschool. I have to go to a morning appointment. I have to buy a birthday present. All in the morning. So today, I will put my feet up. Sip my coffee. Maybe crochet. Do puzzles. Whatever feels nice for Wavy and I.
Let’s just hope Brady gets home earlier today!! We all miss him!
With the last two days being pretty full, today will be a more relaxed one 🙂 I got the kids to school, the littlest to preschool, and then I picked Cher up for coffee.
We spent a couple of hours catching up about the day before, which held a lot on both of our ends 💜 We sipped coffee and spent time just being together, kid free. It was really lovely and restful. I’m so glad the timing worked out so well.
I dropped Cher off after I picked Wavy up. She was playing hard outside and absolutely loving life! She is SUCH a stone cold weirdo.
I plan to spend nap time upstairs, crocheting, being at rest. I’m trying to be super easy on my body, as it reacts to stress so much differently than it used to. So rest and relaxation is on the menu!
There is a lot going on behind the scenes over here. I literally made a list of everything that I feel apprehensive about, so I can very gradually check things off that list as they are completed or solved. Its not a list that makes me feel worse, I promise. It helps me stay up to date, and not completely caught off guard when another thing comes up. I can just put it on the list, and then ever so slowly, those things will be done, February will be over, and I will cope better when our busy life 🙂
I don’t care to worry, but it’s easy to do. I choose peace and contentment. God already knows how all these things will work out, however that may be, and I trust that. I just have to ride the wave, regardless of how smooth or bumpy it may be!!
Brady and I had a very early morning appointment in the city. Rather than stressing about timelines and racing back to work, he decided to take the day off! Conveniently, he has days off that he earned last year, and he wasn’t able to use them all up! So he took today off, my mom looked after Waverly, and Brady and I spent the morning and afternoon out and about, doing some errands, but mostly just taking our time.
Our appointment was a good one. When we got out of it, our van was blocked in by a outdoor mat delivery truck. We lingered for a couple of minutes until we saw the guy come back with mats over his shoulder. We got buckled up and ready to go, but then he came back out with fresh mats, and went to his drop off! Lol! He could’ve just snuck back a couple of feet, but ah well! Brad finagled us out of our spot eventually and we drove by the river.
We made a bunch of stops, and honestly, had pretty minimal success, lol! We were looking for some gifts, and I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that stock of just about everything is limited. So we came to terms with buying some things on Amazon rather, and let that all go. We stopped for lunch along the way, and once again, took our time. There is something really super nice about having that kid-free break sometimes.
We stopped at a few places to try on some glasses, because as you know, we got new prescriptions and we need to update our glasses. Also, Bradys current glasses are literally cracked right in the centre of the lens. So its time. We found some ok ones, but at the end of our day out, we found our way back to our eye doctor in Warman and found glasses for both of us. This is the first time we have EVER had vision care, and the first time in years we’ve even had health coverage. The last time we had health benefits, I was pregnant with Dekker. So actually being able to take some money off the top of our exams, contacts, and glasses is a real gift. We are both incredibly grateful! Hopefully we’ll have them in hand in a couple of weeks 🙂
We came home to my mom making supper, and a happy family. It was really nice, albeit busy, in our house. Kids were rowd and loudy (yes, I said it) but we made it through, lol! Supper was delicious, and then the really wild ones went downstairs and played hard until bedtime.
I am so beat, haha! Not bad beat, but pooped! Yesterday was really full, and today was full, too. Lots of good things, but lots of things in general! I am ready for bed! Brady already said to be, “Bedtime at 9, ya?” so I think we’re on the same page.
Goodnight Have a lovely evening! 💜 Get some sleep. Sooner than later, probably.
I won’t lie. The morning did not start out well. I’m not even entirely sure what kicked it off, but Rowan and Solly had a fight. They threw some hits at one another, and it ended in the destruction of each others things. Everyone was mad, and both of them had been really, really mean. There needed to be some sort of solution to rectify the situation.
So I decided on the spot that rather than a punishment, per se, I decided that for today, Rowan and Solly would be best friends. That meant extra care and consideration. That meant downtime was spent together. Games were to be played together. Jobs done together. Only kind words were to be spoken, and mistakes were to be met with quick forgiveness. As we would do with our best friends!
And guys, it was such a cute thing 💜 They were both ALL for it. As soon as that decision was made, they took off to play together. Almost immediately, Sol got knocked over or into, and he burst out crying. Rowan immediately apologized to Solly and was eager to help him. Solly reassured him, amidst his cries, that was ok and that he forgave him. It was just very smooth for the first bump.
The day played out, and the boys rode out their time of being best friends. They played, did dishes, and kept each other in the loop. I heard Rowan a number of times say things like “Be right down, Solly!” or things along those lines. I loved it, and they did well through the entire day. Even when we went out, they stayed close.
I felt really good about how it all turned out. Ro and Sol don’t spend a ton of time together. They are very different kids. But today, asking them to be close and extra conscious of their actions towards one another was SO GOOD for them! I hope they remember this, and that they can be closer in years to come 💜
Thank you Lord for these sweet middle boys! My heart is very full.
Christmas decorations were up for a couple of months, and we all got really used to it, myself included. Every morning, I would come out of our room, juggling laundry to dump and dishes from night snacks and/or morning coffee, into the pitch dark. And I would whisper to our Echo to turn on the Christmas lights. And she would whisper back “ok” and everything would light up. And it was beauuuuutiful. I love that part of the season.
When I packed up Christmas, I took it all down. Sometimes we’ve left pieces up for longer, like the railing lights, or the trees above the cabinets, but this year I did it all at once. Being a bit more on my own with those things, it takes a bit more out of me, and I didn’t want to have to pull out all the Christmas tubs more than once. So in one fell swoop, it was ALL down.
Now, in the morning, when I make my way out of our room, arms full of all the things, I’m also fumbling with my phone flashlight in an effort to stay alive long enough to make it down the stairs.
Just a couple of days ago, I found myself so utterly frustrated with this. I considered getting the lights back down and lighting up one small area, or even just moving a lamp to the switch that is Amazon Echo enabled so I can get some light. There would be a simple enough solve, I’m sure.
But then I remembered what I do love about the dark mornings.
Without the early mornings being dark, I would never get to appreciate the sun rising earlier and earlier. I get up at virtually the same time every school morning, and in the years past, I have really enjoyed watching the seasons change in this way. One day, probably not too far in the future, I’ll make my way out of my room right around 7:20, and I’ll be able to see just that much clearer. Soon, I’ll ditch my phone flashlight altogether. And shortly after that, everyone else will be SO much more awake in the morning because the light makes life so much easier that way.
I suppose this is my own version of driving to and from work in the dark, and watching the sunrises and sunsets change 💜 The days getting longer means spring is on its way! And I am READY for spring.
Productive Hailey has another big day on the books. Thank goodness its Friday. I think we’ll give her the weekend off.
This morning, she took Waverly into the city for a Walmart run. They got aaaaall kinds of things for lunches (ie: quick oats, pizza crusts, pizza sauce, brown sugar, tart shells, ham) as well as some other items. They even found a big ole pan of discounted stewing beef, and a purple crafty tape measure. They told me that ALL the spring/easter dishes are out, and they are SO cute. They talked about replacing our dishes with those dishes, but I was the grown up and told them to pass. It was hard.
Once Walmart was done, Productive Hailey and Ready for Whatever Wavy hit up Bulk Barn, and on their quest to find sprinkles, they also found ranch corn nuts, and the mini chocolate chips they couldn’t find at Walmart.
They each ate a Fruit-to-go on the drive home. Productive Hailey put in a request for us to buy a big box of those. They are cheap and little. Would be good to throw in the lunches that Average Hailey hates packing.
Once the kids are home, Productive Hailey is back on the clock. I’m going to ask her to make pizza buns. Maybe more granola bars, too. Maybe quiche for supper? But maybe quiche would be better on the weekend. I’m not sure. I’ll talk with her about it, and see how much she’s willing to do for me today.
Unrelated not about Productive Hailey: I wanted to call her P-Hailey. But that reads PHailey. Which is Failey. Which I might be a little sensitive about 🤔 So maybe not.
Today, I was going to ask Wavy a question, but I lost my train of thought, and she went with it anyway.
Me: Wavy what is your favorite thiiiiiiing…
It was really cute 💜 And her love for preschool is evident to anyone who knows her. She loves her teacher. She loves her friends. She loves the crafts, and the stories, and the songs.
But she LOVES playing outside!
Today, Cher and I drove to pick her up, and she was madly pulling a sled with a kid in it, who was in turn holding the rope of yet another sled with another kid in it!! So if you couldn’t get through that, Waverly was trying to tow two kids, and it was hilarious to watch. By the time I got her into the van, she plunked down in her seat, exhausted.
Wavy: I pulled two kids!!!
Me: Wow! How strong are you?!
Wavy: *deep sigh* Not very strong!
I got her sweaty little self home and lunched. Goodness she is just the cutest little thing!
Nap time for my little hard worker! And for myself, some lunch and some crocheting should make for a restful afternoon! Lots is on the go, little of which I have any control over, so this brain needs some extra relaxation!
We haven’t dumped enough time, energy, or money into our vehicles yet this season 🙄 so we decided to do some more.
This is an obviously terrible joke. I’m SO over taking vehicles in to get things done. But alas, the last thing we had done to the bus didn’t work our properly, and we needed to bring it back in. Our plan was to drive everyone in yesterday and drive home in the minivan, leaving the bus for the night, and picking it up this evening. And thats doable, but its a pain. It means additional trips in. Additional gas. Displacing the whole family. Twice. Its fine, but its annoying.
Sometimes, however, the man who runs our mechanic shop offers to drive his customers somewhere in the meantime. Which is lovely! So rather than all the extra drives in, I decided to take Wavy in this morning, and that we could mall walk or go hang out at Value Village while they worked the hour and a halfish on our van. No sweat.
Except it is just a crazy busy season for them, and there was no option to get a ride somewhere. So, we waited.
I am so grateful Waverly is exactly who she is – a patient, friendly, fun loving little girl who is happy to be wherever her people are, no matter whats going on. She is up for anything, even if that means sitting in the waiting room at the mechanics for a solid hour. They even had a little table with some colouring!
Sooooo we coloured, but she was done after one picture, and we moved over to sit in a comfy chair and stare at the man across from us 😳 Finally, his vehicle was ready, and he left. Meanwhile, we pulled up all the videos on my phone from camp last year, and we watched and reminisced and speculated on the season to come. We are all SO ready for the lake.
As it turns out, after a full hour, we are at a standstill with the van, and will have to look for parts or ideas or some other creative way to get things working 100%. But it drives and is dependable, so all is well there. Wavy and I said our thank yous and hit the road for some well deserved donuts.
Two chocolate dipped donuts later, we are home, and both snuggled in blankets on the couch 💜 Is it naptime yet?
Our new hire, Productive Hailey, is still floating around on a part-time basis, checking things off the list of to-dos. She took the trees down from above the cabinets, even though they usually stay up all winter. Productive Hailey is a go-getter, apparently.
After that, she also finally took down the paper chains from Brady’s chemo party last year, and the Happy Birthday sign from Jaxon’s birthday in November. I want it cleaned up in here. And conveniently, Productive Hailey takes coffee for payment! My counselling appointment for this afternoon was rescheduled, so that leaves even more time for some healthy balance between rest and readiness.
Readiness for….. 🤷🏼♀️ Who the heck knows.
I tend to hire Productive Hailey on and off, but only part time. Honestly, she’s more of a casual worker. She’s a temp. There it is. A temp. I hire her usually in January. I hire her when my anxiety is high, or I’m more worried than usual. I hire her when there are big changes, such as with Brady’s health, or maybe the house.
This time around, Productive Hailey is mostly on the clock because of the impending month ahead, and I don’t want to struggle harder than necessary. Regarding the food prep, anyway. I also have a LOT of house stuff on my mind. Ask anyone who is close to me. If moving starts to actually feel possible, or close, or even this year, I want to be purging and cleaning and ready to sell this house at a moments notice! So I think the tidying and purging comes from that. Aaaaand all the underlying weight we carry off of the blog.
Today holds actually packing up the trees that came down, as well as chopping up a bunch of veggies for the week, making pizza buns, and doing laundry. And someday soon, I need to gut my big freezer. So. Many. Empty. Boxes. Its such a mess. Aaaaanyway.
Good thing we have Productive Hailey on payroll.
And her cute sidekick, Ready for Whatever Wavy!
Though, let’s be real. While I’ve been blogging, Productive Hailey doesn’t done a single thing. Slacker.