We had SO much fun at the Dahlsjos yesterday! Man. I LOVE that family just SO much. We didn’t manage a group shot this time, but you’ll have to take my word for it. The kids were SO happy to be back in the same space. They drove RC cars all over. They rode scooters through the house. Dragged each other around on big stuffed animals. They shot nerf guns. They talked and joked and pretended and played hard for hours. We ate delicious hot food and snacked all day long. Then the adults sipped coffee while the kids snowmobiled and skated, despite the frigid cold. We crocheted, and visited, and rested, and bundled/unbundled/rebundled the kids.

This isn’t everybody, but I assure you the gang was all there and all happy 💜
We dragged our butts out of there around 8pm. We had a drive ahead of us, but we wanted to see all of their beautiful yard lights first! Do you think we thought to take a picture? No, we did not. But they were just awesome, and worth the later departure!
The drive had its bouts of action and peace, but I’m surprised at how few of them slept! Wavy did, for sure, once we hit the highway. Solly nodded in and out for a bit, but when we stopped in Rosthern for gas, he woke up and stayed awake.
We made it home shortly before 10:30. It was absolutely freezing out. The kids rushed into the house with the bare minimum – jackets and full blown easter baskets, because the Dahlsjos always come bearing treats – and I got Brady’s wheelchair inside and assembled. Meanwhile, the kids were zombies, completely unaware of themselves. A few were wandering aimlessly. One was reading on the couch. One was sitting in their doorway, staring straight ahead. Not a soul was getting ready for bed. Dark eyes and quivering chins told the tale, and we got everyone moving quickly. No glamorous bedtime routine. Pees and beds. Dekker stumbled up the stairs in his gitch, bleary eyed, asking if we had to do bedtime stuff. I said no, straight to bed, and he said “Whew! Good!” and went back downstairs to bed. Everyone was done with the day. Guys 🙌 Same. It was AWESOME. And we were all TIRED.
This morning I have had the true pleasure of emptying our van of all kinds of beautiful things. Thankfully, I remembered to bring in all the delicious food the Dahlsjos sent home with us! Today I unloaded the bags of handmedown jackets and boots, as well as the two GIANT boxes of books they passed down to us! I think tomorrow will be a day of gutting bookshelves, putting series’ together, and organizing what goes where. Luckily, that is a crazy fun job! Even Dekker and Laela really enjoyed the sorting of it all last time, so I like to think there will some willing helpers!
Since unloading the van, however, I am absolutely frozen and cannot shake the cold from my body. So I’m hiding upstairs with a heating pad, writing this, and thinking a soak is in order. This season is just not my season hahaha! So funny how this break has been just so stinking cold, hey? Not must outside time during the week off! But if it warms up in time for school next week, I’ll take it!
Happy Saturday, friends. I hope you can stay inside today and be SO warm!! And if not, guess what. Its almost March. Which means almost almost April. Which means almost spring!!! ☀️😎